A few days ago Samsung announced the One UI Watch beta program for the Galaxy Watch4 and Galaxy Watch4 Classic, now available for both smartwatches in the US.

Interested parties can sign up for the beta program from the Samsung Members app, which will display the “One UI Watch Beta Program” banner at the top. Click on it and follow the instructions to apply for the beta program. If you meet the participation criteria, you will be enrolled in the beta program.

Samsung Galaxy Watch4
Samsung Galaxy Watch4

Once registration is complete, you can download the beta version of One UI Watch to your Galaxy Watch4 / Watch4 Classic. But note that it won’t be possible until June 2nd as Samsung will begin rolling out the beta starting next Thursday. Additionally, the beta program is only open to owners of Samsung smartphones, so non-Samsung smartphone users cannot participate in the beta program yet.

A UI Watch beta program is now available in the US for the Galaxy Watch4 and Galaxy Watch4 Classic
A UI Watch beta program is now available in the US for the Galaxy Watch4 and Galaxy Watch4 Classic
A UI Watch beta program is now available in the US for the Galaxy Watch4 and Galaxy Watch4 Classic

A UI Watch beta program is now available in the US for the Galaxy Watch4 and Galaxy Watch4 Classic

It is also worth mentioning that the One UI Watch beta program is not available for Special Editions (except Gold Edition) and other Galaxy Watch4 / Watch4 Classic models. And if you leave the beta program, you can’t register again. Rollback to the previous software version is also not supported.

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Philip Owell

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