Sega admitted that his reveal of a new Sonic the Hedgehog game due out in 2022 was “a bit premature”. The publisher announced in May during its first Sonic Central live stream that it is working on a new Sonic game that will launch next year.

Speaking in an interview with 4Gamer, Sonic Team leader Takashi Iizuka confirmed that they likely revealed the title too soon when they didn’t have enough to show publicly. However, the announcement was made to reassure fans and coincide with Sonic’s 30th anniversary celebrations.

“We haven’t announced a brand new action game for the Sonic series since Sonic Forces, and that worried fans,” Iizuka said in the interview. “Although it was a bit premature, I at least wanted to take the 30th anniversary opportunity to announce that a new title was in development.”

Later in the same interview, Iizuka also alluded to the mysterious symbol that appears at the end of the trailer, which is embedded above. “It’s something symbolic that appears in the game, but the meaning is still a secret,” she said. However, I will say that it is not something that could be understood through the deduction. We will share more details at the end, so please wait a little longer.

While there is no official news on the name of the game, the upcoming title will launch on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X | S in 2022.

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