Call of Duty: Warzone was influenced by classic 1980s action movies. It’s fitting, then, that the game could see a crossover with 80s icons John Rambo and John McClane.

At least, that’s what Activision seems to be suggesting. It started with a tweet about an alleged player named SURVIVORJOHN # 1009062. The “John” immediately made players think of John Rambo. And the image attached to the tweet mentions “5 wins”, which would correspond to the five different ones Rambo movie.

In another recent tweet, Activision mentions a fictional company called “Nakatomi Duct Cleaning”. The fake company has a real website with the slogan “Say Yippee Ki Yay to Dust”.

This, of course, is an obvious reference to the plot of Die Hard, involving Bruce Willis’ John McClane defeating terrorists at Nakatomi Plaza as he sneaks around the conduits inside the building. In all likelihood, McClane is on his way to Warzone.

Why should the series bring 80s action heroes, though? In the game’s history, Warzone’s Verdansk was recently transported back in time to the year 1984. This impacted the map and also allowed for fantastic cinematic crossovers featuring iconic 80s characters.

We still don’t know what form these crossovers will take. It will likely involve DLC character skins in the game store similar to the previous crossover event with The Texas chainsaw massacre. But only time will tell if Activision has any more surprises in store for us.

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