A new Nintendo Switch model may be in development, which will be more expensive than the standard version of the hybrid console but will support improved graphics.

A Bloomberg report suggests that the new Switch model will use an updated Nvidia chip that supports Nvidia’s Deep Learning Super Sampling.

This should allow the Switch Pro to have a larger screen, process calculations faster than before, and support 4K resolutions when docked. However, it is likely that only future games will receive a graphical update, with older titles left as is.

According to analysts cited in the report, the Switch Pro could be released in time for the holidays in late 2021. It will likely come with a significant price increase of between $ 50 and $ 100. That would mean the console could cost as little as $ 399. 99.

Nintendo has never officially confirmed whether the company is working on an updated Switch model, although it has been rumored constantly for more than a year.

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