For teens looking for an epic way to stay connected to their friends while playing something fun, you can do it with classic card games. Instead of scrolling through different social media platforms, pull out some cards or choose a digital platform and choose one (or more) of the best classic card games invented many years ago!

Whether it’s Rummy, UNO or Old Maid, these timeless classics will keep everyone entertained. With simple to follow rules, these games provide hours of engaging entertainment, and what’s more, you can play without having to leave home! If you’re ready, let’s find out why these popular card games are a perfect pastime for you and your group of friends.

Interesting card games for bored teenagers

Teens are known for their short attention spans, especially with the advent of technology and social media. That said, looking for something that can keep teenagers busy for a long time can be tricky. Luckily, trick card games are a perfect blend of challenge and fun to keep them focused for a long time.


Rummy is one of the old time favorite games that belongs to the family of card melding and matching. It has many variations, such as Gin Rummy, Indian Rummy and more. However, the same elements remain for everyone: make combinations of straights and sequences that give profit or be the first to eliminate all cards from your hand. It is ideal for teenagers who are quick at making card combinations.

The game begins with each player being dealt six to ten cards, depending on how many players participate. Then, the remaining cards are placed in the center as a pile, with the top card turned over as the face-up card and placed next to the pile. Players choose and drop cards to create melds in sequences and sets.

Starting with the player to the left of the dealer, he can draw from the pile or take the face-up card and add it to his hand. They can also put any of their melds face up on the table. If he doesn’t want to discard any of his melds, he can discard them face up onto the pile. The goal is to be the first to get rid of your cards.


A crowd favorite, Spades is one of the most popular in the United States due to its easy-to-understand gameplay. At the same time, it still offers enough challenge to keep a teenager’s brain working. It is generally played by four players made up of two teams.

How to play Spades:

  • The game begins with the dealer shuffling the deck and dealing 13 cards to each player.
  • Players must declare the number of tricks they believe they can take.
  • The lowest bid is one and all players must bid.
  • Teams must reach a total of 500 points to win.
  • The player to the dealer’s left begins the trick and all players follow suit unless they have no cards of that suit.
  • The player with the highest card wins the trick and plays the top card in the next turn.

Try Spades online to hone your trick skills while participating in the never-ending excitement with your friends. Since some players find it confusing, preparing those skills before challenging your friends is the best strategy!


You may be familiar with UNO, a “modernized” version of Crazy Eights that has been around since the 1970s. This card game is quick to play and easy to learn, so it’s no surprise that all the teens who played it ended up loving it. Furthermore, it uses special cards that make the game more interesting and eventful; it’s even said to cause friendship breakdown!

These special cards include Joker, Skip, Reverse, Draw Two and Draw Four. It’s a fast-paced game that aims to get rid of your cards and shout UNO at the same time. The game begins with the player to the left of the dealer, who must discard a card equal to the color or number of the exposed card. A player draws from the supply if he does not have a card with the same number or color.

The real fun begins when the special cards come out. They can change the course of the game in a split second, so you have to be wise when using them. For example, if someone plays a Draw Four card, the next player will take four cards. Sometimes a wild card appears asking the player to change the color and number that the next player will play.

Old maid

For those who want to challenge their friends, Old Maid is the ideal game! It is also designed for larger groups and the goal is not to stick with the Old Maid card, which is the strange Queen or Joker. It uses a standard deck of 52 cards and has simple gameplay.

How to play Old Maid:

  • You can remove a Queen from the deck or add a Joker such as Old Maid.
  • All the cards are distributed one by one to all the players, who must form pairs and discard them face up.
  • Players take turns choosing a card from the player next to them. If they get a card that can be matched with their cards, they discard it. Otherwise, they add it to their hand.
  • The last player to hold the Queen or Joker is the Old Maid.
  • Friends can challenge the player to dance or sing!

For adults, they can challenge the Old Maid to buy them a drink or do a chore. In any case, this game is perfect for breaking the ice and creating fun memories with friends. It’s no wonder that in Victorian times it was nicknamed a drinking game.

Don’t hesitate to start the fun with classic card games!

Card games are not only fun but also have many benefits for teenagers. They teach strategic skills and help develop social connections, especially during meetings where everyone can participate. So instead of spending hours playing video games, invite your group of friends to an online card gaming session for endless fun!

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Philip Owell

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