change location garena free fire

Garena free Fire is a well-known game at a universal level, however when it comes to playing it is not so much. The matchmaking of its gameplay works by regions, which are usually divided by all the continents on the planet. That is why today we are going to explain how to be able to cchange region in Garena Free Fire to be able to play with people in other countries.

It may seem unreal but it is not. Despite the fact that Garena has assured that it is not possible to change the location of the servers, except in special cases or that they are obliged to do so. But really if it is possible thanks to a way to achieve it quite simple and fast.

What is the use of changing the region?

free fire

This is always the decision of each player when it comes to enjoying a type of gameplay. A casual player may not be interested in this option since he enjoys the gaming experience the least, however being a more competitive player may seem like a wonderful idea to play against people from other countries.

As we said a few lines above, Garena Free Fire has its servers divided by different regions such as Europe, in which their players cannot compete with other servers such as the United States or Asia, which is probably where the level of the game is higher and where it can be improved the most. In this way, players can face other areas and therefore improve their gameplay.

How to change the location in Garena Free Fire

Garena Free Fire

Garena does not officially contemplate this possibility, so it is based on having to change the location of the IP address of our computer to appear that we are physically there. This is simple since it will be done through apps that modify the VPN of the terminal, in our case we have chosen Turbo VPN but there are also other options such as Hola Free VPN and the like. Our recommendation is that to download any type of application of this type, it is always through the Play Store since it is the safest option.

Its operation is very simple but for those who do not handle these programs, we are also going to explain how they work. Once you have downloaded the app from the Google Play Store, you must click on the “Connect” button And at that time it will be located in the geographical area of ​​the map. There are a total of 12 different countries to choose from to have a better connection or also closer to your region. And that’s it, all you have to do is log in to Garena Free Fire and start playing from anywhere in the world you’ve chosen.

Meanwhile in the Hola Free VPN app you will have the possibility to change the IP address individually and without having to change the smartphone. When you open it, the first thing you should do is select the Garena game and you will see a menu appear in which you can change the region to the one you want, be it America or Asia. While with Turbo VPN, keep in mind that it is free and offers unlimited browsing data. Both options are very good for doing their job and therefore you can choose the one that most appeals to you.


But to change location in Garena Free Fire, You will have another option besides using the two previous apps that we have mentioned. It is an equally simple way but much more severe compared to the previous one. This is by writing a message to the official Garena page. In this message you must write a request for the change of server, to this you must add reasons and reasons for the change in addition to adding which region you are from and which one you want to change to.

However, this also has its consequences. If your region is changed in this way, you will not be able to return to your previous region nor will you be able to use other VPNs to continue playing in other regions.s, and this in the long run can do more harm than good. So our recommendation is to use a VPN that allows you to quickly and easily play in other regions since the process is completely legal.

Here are some Garena Free Fire tricks that will come in handy once you have changed the region

land in style

The style of starting a race is always very important. In Free Fire you do not control a car but it is also important to start with a lot of style.

You must choose the landing place well, this is very important to achieve or not a victory. Here we are interested in a place full of resources and that there are no enemies. Avoid looking over an uncovered plain as much as possible, otherwise you will put yourself within easy reach of the enemies.

2. Discover your ideal weapon…

All shooter players have their favorite weapon. And if you have not yet chosen which one is yours, here we leave you a list to make it easier for you to find one. Garena Free Fire has a large number of weapons and all of them have points for and against:

  • Melee Weapons: This should always be your last option. It is not pleasant to have to fight with a bat, although everyone likes it.
  • Pistols: They are light weapons but with very little damage. It can be a good last resort if your primary weapon is out of ammo and it’s all you have left for victory.
  • Shotguns: ideal for blowing up buildings, keep in mind that at a shorter distance the damage increases greatly.
  • Submachine guns: they have very little precision but in return a high lack of shot (this means that you shoot a lot and very quickly). It is an ideal weapon for medium and close range shooting for quick attacks.
  • Assault Rifles: They are always very useful and are used for many situations but they are also huge.
  • Sniper Rifles – An ideal weapon for players who prefer to stay away from the battlefield and have a precise attack.

Pay attention to accessories

But in addition to having important weapons, accessories are also essential. These resources improve the characteristics of weapons to make them more deadly and effective. Here is a list of the accessories that are available:

  • Shaft: Reduces the recoil of the weapon and increases the accuracy of shots.
  • Bipod: It has the same function as the shaft.
  • Nozzle: Increases the range of the weapon and therefore also increases the damage it deals to opponents.
  • Magazine: Allows you to increase the number of bullets available without having to reload the weapon.
  • Stock: Increases stability and movement speed while firing.
  • Sight: They improve vision and make it easier to aim. There is also a thermal sight that allows you to know where the enemies are by body temperature.
  • Silencer: Reduces the sound of gunshots so your enemies can’t be easily seen.

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Philip Owell

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