Uncharted 4: A Thief's Review |  Gammick


Three years later, Uncharted 4 remains one of the most lush and detailed games I’ve ever played on a console. Each setting is bathed in hyper-realistic richness that beautifully accentuates everything on the screen, from a shimmering plant to a looming volcano. Animation takes this immersion further. Every subtle movement the characters make feels painstakingly crafted for their surroundings. For example, they reach out to touch a wall or pole as they pass.

I noticed a weird blur around the edges of the character models during cutscenes. But, when playing on the go, there can be no doubt about the effort that has been made to maintain Naughty Dog’s high standards for visual mastery.

Final verdict

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End elegantly avoids many of the pitfalls that closing chapters can fall into. It’s not about increasing the scale from previous entries, but instead focuses on a character-driven narrative that isn’t afraid to explore similar themes in a more nuanced light.

I had a lot of fun playing Uncharted 4, even though the gameplay is too enclosed in its comfort zone to compete with its impressive story and visuals. In the end, it was bittersweet to say goodbye to these characters who have captured my imagination so much over the years. Sic Parvis MagnaBad Dog.

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