
A great example of an improvement in this sequel over its predecessor is the brilliant ambient design. Each place has its own distinctive appearance and characteristics. They are a joy to explore and have wonderful views to admire as you travel the game world. Most impressive is the variety of landscapes, with everything from built-up cities to dense jungles.

The sequel also appears to have found an identity with its art style. It is instantly recognizable once the game is loaded. Conversely, the audio elements don’t hold up well. The voice acting is great, but the soundtrack is flat and absolutely forgettable.

Technical problems are also too frequent. At the time of launch, there were a large number of bugs and graphical issues. Textures do not load and the game may often crash. While several patches have addressed some of these issues, others persist to this day. While they haven’t been completely eradicated, they don’t frustrate gameplay that much.

Final verdict

The Surge 2 has always strived to match the classic games that inspired it. However, few people will come close to it expecting a perfected experience in the same mold as Dark Souls. What the developers get is a marked improvement over their first try. The sequel is more fun to play and doesn’t have as many flaws as its predecessor. Recommending the series is simply a lot easier this time around, especially now that it’s making the most of its sci-fi setting.

Category: Reviews

Tag: Action

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Philip Owell

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