2004’s Knights of the Old Republic 2 was made by a different team than you might expect. While the original KOTOR was made by the legendary Bioware, the sequel was made by Obsidian.

This has understandably made many players as well Star Wars anxious fans. Would this game have the same quality and innovation as the first game? Or, even worse, would it be a cookie cutter copy and offer nothing new?

Fortunately, we have all of your answers. Read on to find out if this game is worth playing 15 years after its release.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 Review |  Gammick

Dungeons and Krayt Dragons

Many people take these KOTOR games for the first time and expect them to play more like Force Unleashed. If that’s what you expect, then I have some bad news.

Despite the fact that you move your character directly, the combat is much less direct. Don’t swing your lightsaber yourself or put out some Force lightning – press a button and cross your fingers.

This is because this game is very similar Dungeons and Dragons. Specifically, it was created using the same engine as the old Wizard
Star Wars Role playing game. This means that your attempts to do everything from attacking enemies to persuading strangers are decided by virtual rolls of a D20 die.

This role-playing influence extends to character design as well. You can create your own character by putting your limited amount of points into traditional RPG qualities such as dexterity, strength and charisma. And you can top it all off by choosing from character classes that inform both your RPG and how you approach combat.

A fun addition to the mechanics of the first game is the upgrade system. You can constantly find upgrades for various pieces of armor, blasters and lightsabers. Therefore, the traditional RPG joy of looting a body has increased – not only might you find something new, but you might find something that makes your weapon of choice even more beautiful!

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