
Unlike many other open-world action-adventure games like Grand Theft Auto, Mafia aims for realism in many ways. The city of Lost Heaven is a huge sprawling city full of life. For its time, the game world is an extraordinary work. In total, the city takes up 12 square miles of space and offers plenty of space to explore.

Cars and people go about their daily lives while the police and opposing gangsters provide obstacles for the job you want to do. As in other open world titles, crime and violence will lead the police to chase you. Minor offenses are punished with sanctions. But the police increase their responses as you commit worse acts.

Mafia Review |  Gammick

Again, like Grand Theft Auto, Mafia has a lot of focus on driving. Drive around to complete tasks such as transporting allies and delivering goods. There are also a variety of other jobs such as competitions.

There are a whopping 56 cars in total, so you have a huge range of vehicles to choose from. Most of them feel unique and driving is fun, which is a good thing considering how much you drive.

The same goes for the different weapons. Each gun is distinct and has its own characteristics. Some are better as long range weapons, while others are better suited for close combat.

In any case, you will almost certainly have fun dealing with the various weapons. Although, at times, the shootings can seem a little dated. You can also expect to notice some problems with AI. For example, the police will not involve anyone but you, even if they are attacked by other CPU characters.

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