
When it comes to the game modes offered, EA has taken a more conservative approach. There are no wholesale modifications. Rather, the team sought to fine-tune the various modes to address the concerns of fans.

This means that there is nothing quite as innovative as the story-based mode “The Journey” from FIFA 17 in this installment. However, The Journey returns for a second season, continuing Alex Hunter’s story. New locations and playable characters appear and the mode feels like a well-rounded experience.

FIFA 18 Review |  Gammick

The two biggest changes come in the form of Career mode and new team battles. A contract negotiation review allows you to speak directly with an opposition manager during transfers. It offers a lot more options and creates a more engaging representation of what it would be like to be a manager.

Meanwhile, Squad Battles is an offline mode where you play against CPU teams. The twist is that these teams have been chosen by celebrities or prominent FIFA players. This game mode offers a nice way to get involved in Ultimate Team without having to switch to multiplayer.

A new addition that came later was a World Cup add-on. This free DLC arrived in the summer of 2018 and brought with it the ability to compete in the international tournament. It included authentic teams and players who made it to the competition, as well as new challenges and packages for Ultimate Team.

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