Days Gone is a wonderful zombie survival game exclusive to PlayStation 4. It is clearly meant to take advantage of the zombie craze. The walking dead. Then again, The walking dead has been a real mixed-up zombie for a few seasons. And the gorgeous graphics in this open world adventure from SIE Bend Studio can’t change the fact that Days Gone is a repetitive and tiring mess.

The introduction

At this point, it will probably feel like you’ve experienced every possible zombie story anyone could ever tell. So what’s the premise of this particular zombie game?

In Days Gone, your character must navigate the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Oregon in search of surviving companions and the non-stop missions given to you by different communities. What led to this apocalypse? IS technically not zombies: the “Freakers” are human beings infected by a virus.

In a way, this is the first “smell” when it comes to the game’s attempts to be unique. “They are not zombies, they are infected humans” is a false distinction when they look and behave exactly like zombies. And this twist on the premise seems to have been done much better in games like Resident Evil 4.

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