
Where Blackout crosses the line from pseudo-realism to over-the-top gameplay Black Ops fans have come to love is in its homage to the game’s Zombies mode. In some areas, players can kill zombies, a process that will ultimately spawn chests with better loot. However, people who choose to engage with zombie spawns may find themselves facing not only zombies, but other teams as well. This creates a complicated and fun dynamic.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4: Blackout Review |  Gammick

Battle Pass

Then there’s the Battle Pass, which exists as part of the game’s Black Ops Pass and includes DLC for the game’s Multiplayer and Zombie modes as well as Blackout.

Leveling up requires the completion of in-game tasks and a few in-game “missions”, most of which deviate from the real point of the game: winning. While the rewards for these challenges are purely cosmetic, it still seems a bit odd not to base the rewards on challenges that actually serve the game’s objectives.

The new battle royale modes within Blackout are tantalizing, but Blackout’s new Alcatraz map looks stunted in its approach. While the idea is to feel very CoD-style, incorporating respawns on a smaller map area and then satisfying players’ wishes for faster gameplay, the resulting game is a bit of a shootout, something not. own battle royale and not entirely simple PvP also match play.

Final verdict

Overall, Blackout is worth playing, particularly if a player is already familiar with CoD-style gameplay or has a preference for battle royale games. But in the wake of the success of other battle royale games, it’s easy to wonder if Black Ops 4’s recent push for more gimmicks belittles what would otherwise be a very grounded and addicting game.

Category: Reviews

Tag: shooter

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