
For an older game with a lot to do like ArcheAge, the game itself is nice enough to look at, even with a lower graphics setup. There are times when parts of a character’s storyline don’t load or are loaded in a different color than the rest of the model. But after a second or two, the problem will resolve itself.

The soundtrack is great. The extensive soundtrack that accompanies you feels like it really fits the world and may even come from a source in the world that you can’t see. Having music and sounds that blend so seamlessly with such a large and robust game world is a truly impressive feat. XLGames did it masterfully.


ArcheAge has 16 types of weapons, with many weapons in each type of varying quality. These types of weapons are: daggers, swords, katanas, axes, scepters and short spears for one-handed weapons. Greatswords, nodachi, greataxes, greatclubs, staffs, and longspears are the two-handed weapons. There are also strings and musical instruments that can restore health or mana when played, in the case of the lute or flute.

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Philip Owell

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