Vahn’s research game dev’s latest offering Super planet, is now officially available on both iOS and Android. The game is inactive Role playing game game. It offers players many options on how to play, at what pace to play, and so on. With a huge collection of heroes for players to bring into battle, it’s packed with plenty to do. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll take a look at Vahn’s Quest basic gameplay and tips and help new players gain an advantage.

Introducing the basics of Vahn’s Quest

The story of this game is set in Republic of the Trinity. This Republic is a sanctuary for the saints and the people here are kind, good people. They live their life in peaceful peace. But this peace was not to last long. One of the ministers of the Church, Father Demtoy, opened the gates of hell so that he could enrich himself and gain glory. The village was thrown into chaos until the Grave Keeper Knights intervened.

They swore to protect their village and set out on a journey to get the legendary Vereth’s sword, the only weapon that can overwhelm Father Demtoy. The gameplay has one main element: Infinite growth. This means that the the protagonist can never die. This fits the gameplay as it is an inactive game. Even when the game is closed, our hero continues his journey to get stronger and faces great enemies.


There are a variety of characters in Vahn’s Quest. These are all collectible characters. They are divided into several classes: Tanks, Ranged fighters And Melee Fighters / Brawlers. Tanks, as the name suggests, are characters with higher Health than other classes. Ranged fighters stay in the back line and shoot enemies on sight. Hand-to-hand fighters are the ones we start with and are a well-rounded group. They deal enough damage to kill enemies, while being decently durable.

Vahn's Quest available Vahn's Quest Beginner's Guide
Image via SuperPlanet


The characters mentioned above, as mentioned before, are collectible. These characters are divided into 3 categories: 3 stars, 4 stars And 5 stars characters. They can be collected by convocation. The quote can in turn be used in the form of Summon Tickets. If we don’t have any summon tickets, we can use the games premium currency to summon the characters.


The characters we summon can equip a variety of gear. Ranging from gloves, jackets, shields, swords and the like. This equipment is useful for strengthening our characters and to ensure that they progress without losing a lot of steam. Since Vahn’s Quest is an endless RPG, having powerful equipment plays a very important role.


Vahn's Quest Game Event Vahn's Quest Beginner's Guide
Image via Superplanet

In this game, events are in abundance. At any time, we can find at least one event going on. This is useful for new players, as it also involves a Event for beginners. This event rewards new players with crafting materials, gear, and even some premium currency.


The equipment in this game can also be crafted. While new players can get enough for the early stages through starter rewards, crafting becomes an essential part of the gameplay later on. Along with processing, we can also dismantle handcrafted equipment. This will guarantee us the spare parts that we can use to pack the equipment we need.


Dungeons are the casual element of the game. Keys are required to enter a dungeon, and the best way to get them is to complete levels. There are several types of levels that are part of the dungeon:

  • Boss Dungeon
  • Underground of the Treasury
  • Relic Dungeon
  • Daily dungeon

Understanding game resources and accessories

Vahn’s Quest currency and resources consist of:

Vahn's Quest Resources Vahn's Quest Beginner's Guide
Image via Superplanet
  • Gold: Gold is Vahn’s Quest main currency. It is used to buy wood and to upgrade our characters. We can collect Gold through the “Gold chariot”At the bottom right of the screen. As our idle gameplay progresses, we continue to collect gold, which is stored in the Golden Chariot.
  • Gems: Gems are the premium currency of the game. The main purpose of gems is to help summon rarer heroes, and we can also purchase rarer summons from the gem shop.
  • Keys: Keys are mainly obtained by clearing the Boss stages. These keys are useful for entering dungeons.
  • Coins of the knight: The knight coins are used for the benefit of our fighters group.
  • Wood: Wood / lumber is used to upgrade our Golden Chariot. This is the only resource that can upgrade the tank and increase its gold holding capacity.

Vahn’s Quest Beginner’s Guide: Tips and Tricks

Here are some of our tips in our Vahn’s Quest Beginner’s Guide to help you, newbies, kickstart your journey.

Vahn's Quest available Vahn's Quest Beginner's Guide
Image via Superplanet
  • Once the game is launched, check in regularly to refill your gold tally.
  • The Gold Wagon should be updated regularly and the wood needed continues to increase as its levels increase in number.
  • Never leave your party completely unattended.
  • While your party members cannot die, they must regularly be equipped with new gear to make sure they defeat as many monsters as possible.
  • When entering the dungeons, make sure you are fully prepared so that the threats within are easy to eliminate.
  • As this is an inactive RPG, you don’t have to worry about the endgame content as a beginner. Enter and play at your leisure!

So go ahead and try it! If you find any problems, don’t hesitate to turn to this Vahn’s Quest beginner’s guide for suggestions.

That’s it from us for Vahn’s Quest Beginner’s Guide! You found ours Vahn’s research guide for beginners useful? Let us know in the Comments!

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