Vitality is the energy system in the Tower of fantasy. It is the same as the energy system in other games where energy is required to undertake certain missions to earn more than certain other resources. Vitality is similar to Resin in Genshin Impact.

Players start with a fixed amount of Vitality. Players use Vitality to claim rewards after completing certain missions. Different types of activities require different amounts of vitality. Vitality is restored over time, but players can only accumulate 180. And the vitality regeneration rate is 1 Vitality every 8 min.

How to get vitality in Tower of Fantasy

As mentioned above, each player can gain more Vitality over time. But the regeneration rate is very slow. But players can get more vitality in return Black crystals.

Tower of the vitality of the imagination
Image via infinite layer

Players are advised not to use black crystals for vitality because black crystals are used to obtain the Nucleus to order weapons. Also, vitality is a very important resource in games. Hence, players should always prove that vitality is never limited.

Where to spend Vitality in Tower of Fantasy

Once the players have defended the shelter from the Devasers, a lot of PvE related content is unlocked where players have to spend Vitality to get the rewards. After reaching level 20, players can also use Vitality in multiplayer missions. Multiplayer missions are gradually unlocked as players level up.

  • Joint operations: Unlocked at level 20
  • Interstellar exploration: Unlocked at level 21
  • Dimensional paths: Unlocked at level 23
  • Omnium lighthouse: Unlocked at level 28
  • Space-time domain: Unlocked at level 29

Tips for Spending Vitality for Beginners

At the start of the game, players should focus on leveling up their weapons. So, to get weapon leveling materials, players should focus on:

  • Dimensional paths
  • Interstellar exploration
Tower of the vitality of the imagination
Image via infinite layer

Omnium Beacons are unsafe as other players on your channel may be stealing them. Additionally, Spacetime Domain provides gold. And gold is not such a rare item. Players can also obtain arrays of weapons and equipment from joint operations.

Tower of the vitality of the imagination
Image via infinite layer

But if lower tier players can try lower tiers of Joint Ops and they don’t have good release rates for higher quality materials. Hence, players should use Vitality in Joint operations only after reaching higher levels themselves as after level 50.

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