In the Tower of fantasy 1.5 update, there are numerous developer registries located throughout the man-made island. Finding these logs is essential to progressing in the game, as they provide some valuable resources and are the only means of using the Home system. This guide will list all the man-made islands developer registry locations on the Tower of Fantasy map for players who want to get the most out of their experience. Let’s start.

How to find all artificial island developer registry locations in Tower of Fantasy

Tower of Fantasy artificial island developer registry locations
Image via infinite layer

In total, there are 10 Developer Registry Locations in Tower of Fantasy update 1.5, an artificial island. Surrounded by Feiyun Mountain, Desert Water Treatment Plant Stone Mountain and Sandy Mountain, these places are quite easy to find. Here’s how to get all these developer logs easily.

1. Zero base

The first place to get your developer login in Tower of Fantasy is Base Zero. When you reach this location from your plane, players must move to the spaceship and find a tree on the left. Here is your first developer log that can be collected easily.

2. Base camp

Tower of Fantasy artificial island developer registry locations
Image via infinite layer

Players must now move south of Base Zero and walk along the spaceship. Find the portal and make your way to the ledge along your base camp. The second developer log can be collected lying on the grass.

3. Just off the base

The third developer log is to the right of exiting your base. Find the signal pole and the players have to climb on it. Capture your next developer log above the signal pole.

4. Near the kerosenia exploration point

When the players get off the plane, they have to go east and go in the direction of the Cherosenia Exploration point. Here they will find a tree nearby and also the fourth developer log.

5. Field of hyenas in the Tower of Fantasy

To get the next developer log, players must go to the Hyena Camp in the Tower of Fantasy. Go to this location which is to the left of the Eagle’s Nest and look for the wooden boxes. Break those boxes to get your next developer access to Artificial Island.

6. Sandy Mount

This developer log can be collected from the Mount Sandy location. Just follow the marker to reach and find the camp near the Hyena base. Players can find a truck nearby and have to destroy the barrels and get the developer log easily.

7. Base of the hyena

The main road passes through a town of Hyena northwest of the base camp. Once you reach the end of the street, take the first left. Between the road and the Hyena Base, you can find the Dev Log.

8. Rock wall

Tower of Fantasy artificial island developer registry locations
Image via infinite layer

Next, the development log is hidden by a rock face, which you can see on the map if you look at the orange dash instead of the beach on the map.

9. Above Mount Sandy in Tower of Fantasy

Players must go to Mount Sandy and reach the top with their jetpack. Reach the platform above the mountain and players must navigate to the outer ring of the floating island and get their developer log around.

10. Hyena ship

Players have to go to the right side of the village by crossing the river. During the crossing, they will witness a crashed ship. Go to the roof of the ship and destroy the barrels. One of the barrels will distribute the developer log.

Logging in for developers in Tower of Fantasy is essential, and finding them isn’t a big deal. Follow our complete guide on all developer registry locations in Tower of Fantasy and you’re good to go. We hope that you will be able to navigate easily through the man-made island. Have a good adventure!

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