In any game, mistakes can be made that will cause you to lose. Sometimes these are avoidable, other times they are not. In the Tower of fantasy, there are some mistakes you need to avoid to get to the top. This guide will help you avoid these potential pitfalls and give you an edge over your opponents. Let’s begin.

Top 10 mistakes players should avoid in Tower of Fantasy

While the game is easy to learn, there are some key things players should avoid if they want to be successful. Here are the top 10 mistakes to avoid when playing Tower of Fantasy.

1. Missing daily sizes

Ignoring daily bounties is one of the most common mistakes players make when they first start playing. Remember to complete your missions every day so they don’t get dissatisfied, as the new ones update every morning and offer great rewards like experience points or gold.

2. Use of all restricted currencies

A mistake to avoid when playing, to waste limited currencies from your account not spending wisely and only buying items with exchange rates rather than waiting could lead to the loss of all progress made in the game if precautions are not taken in advance; this includes rarer types such as Crystal Dust which have serious consequences when consumed carelessly.

3. Leave the food

fantasy resistance tower
Image via infinite layer

Skipping food may seem like an easy way to save time, but it will only leave you with more hunger and less energy. Eating regularly is important for staying healthy The harsh climate of Aida also. Eating the right foods will give your character powerful buffs so that life on this island becomes a lot easier than ever, so don’t skip those meals too often.

4. Use your life force wisely

The life force solution is a valuable resource that you must use wisely. It recharges daily so don’t waste it Joint operations instead, invest in dimensional tests and explore the galaxy! You will gain valuable resources needed to upgrade your character, which will help you upgrade other parts of your body or upgrade equipment for future adventures.

5. Waste the box of relic fragments

Cybernetic arm of the Tower of Fantasy
Image via infinite layer

The next mistake would be to waste them Box of relic fragments which allows players to collect shards from various events in the game and use them to upgrade or get another piece just like the one that’s inside it, so don’t clear these boxes too soon as there may come a time when you have more than 1 of them. kind will come in handy later down the road.

6. Join a crew

Joining a team is one of the best ways to earn rewards and level up your gaming experience quickly. Teaming up with friends helps even more as it gives access to their shop where they offer more items for purchase using the points accumulated to do missions.

Not a bad idea at all if we’re talking about leveling up characters by playing together – the higher the levels, the more interesting things start to show off.

7. Leveling weapons

SSR Tower of Fantasy Relic Colossus Arm Rail Cover
Image via infinite layer

Leveling up your weapons is a crucial part of any successful player, but it’s important to know the best ways to not only make sure you get good returns on your investment, which will help ensure you win! –But also avoid making too many mistakes like leveling multiple types all at once.

8. Do not give up Machine Parts

Machine parts are not something you want to give up easily. You can exchange them with Dark crystals to certain mission milestones, so it’s important to know the value of each part before deciding what to do with yours.

9. Use gifts

After that, you should always use your gifts to increase the relationship with the character. Check out the bonuses they have and pick one that gives you good gear for any mission or adventure we’re venturing into next! It would be tempting but not so efficient, if possible, to feed them among all our different companions. However, this can lead us down a slippery slope where any kind of gift becomes less valuable than before

10. Choose the correct weapon

The common mistake many players make while preparing their characters, especially those who are just starting out, is to upgrade the green / white items rather than investing in better quality gear. Why waste resources? In Tower of Fantasy, all slots should be upgraded to level 10 hence the bonus stats can help the game during the leveling process and protect against defeat.

Tower of Fantasy Pity System weapons banner
Image via infinite layer

The Tower of Fantasy is a challenging game that can be very rewarding. However, if you want to make the most of your experience and avoid making costly mistakes, take our advice! These 8 top tips will help you stay on track and have fun playing.

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Philip Owell

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