The predators of time it’s a Role playing game developed by Yoozoo (Singapore) Pte. LTD. Before exploring further, you need to choose one of the three existing classes and choose the type of class you like Master of Swords that has Duelist And Guardian, gunslinger that has Sharpshooter And Technologist And Wise that has Ritualist And Runcaster. The three classes have different uniqueness, weapon types and stats. We will help you by providing our Time Raiders character class tier list of classes in the game.

This game will take you to the vast eastern underworld to explore it. Search for historical treasures, fight different bosses and take on spooky forms, look for unique artifacts that can make you stronger and also form a team so that you can overcome all challenges more easily. Therefore, we will help you choose what we believe is the best Time Raiders class.

Time Raiders Character Class Tier List for October 2022

The Time Raiders class tier list should only be taken as a reference because different strategies and processes can produce different results for players. The level will be between level S and level B, with S as the highest level and B as the lowest level.

  • Level S: this level contains a very strong class which can be seen from the uniqueness of the skill, attribute, his contribution to the team, it is highly recommended to use the class.
  • One level: this level contains a strong enough class but not as strong as level S, because the skills were pretty standard.
  • Level B: this level contains a class that is quite mediocre because their skills don’t have a big impact on the team or formation during battle. But when you update the class, it’s still worth using.
Level Solo class Team class
Strong (S) Master of Swords gunslinger
Good (A) Wise Wise
Average(B) gunslinger Master of Swords
Time Raiders Character Class Tier List for October 2022

We recommend several classes that you can use before playing Time Raiders, judging by the strength of these classes during solo and team parties.


Only here is a typical player who prefers to play alone. You may prefer the storyline of the game and prefer the full missions.

Blademaster class

raiders of the time of the blade master
Image via Yoozoo Games

This Master of Swords it’s a melee or close-range class because he uses a sword as a weapon. This class is very strong in control and survival, as can be seen from its stats. Since we want to go alone, a high survivability is required because there are no friends or teams to help you in battle. Therefore this class is very suitable for doing it yourself.

Sage class

time raiders of wise class
Image via Yoozoo Games

This Wise it’s a long range class because he uses a kind of kunai and umbrella as his weapon. This class is also strong enough for those of you who prefer to play solo because it has the most damage among the other classes. Although from the stats it has a low survival, it can be minimized with its damage so large and even at long range, so you need to adjust the distance to the enemy.


The team here is a typical player who prefers to play with other players or even their friends. You can play Team Party and complete different events, such as Dragon Hunt, Raider Gathering, The Hunt and others that can be completed in Team Party.

Gunfighter class

gunslinger-class time raiders
Image via Yoozoo Games

The Gunslinger is the same as the Sage class, which is a long range type because he uses a rifle as a weapon. In our opinion, this class is the best in a Team Party because it can be seen from its dominant support stats. Also, this class of gunslingers has the farthest attack distance, so it makes her very strong on the team because she just has to take cover behind her friends and strike safely without the need to get in the middle of the battle.

Final thoughts

Time Raiders is a game that only has three classes, but the three classes actually complement each other during Team Party. You can explore the skills available in each class and you can also choose the type of class for example Master of Swords that has Duelist And Guardian and other classes.

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Philip Owell

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