Tales Noir it’s a Role playing game genre game developed by Pixel Restricted Rabbit. This game tells the story of a person who rebuilds his kingdom on his imagination. But you have to explore the world in different places with your partner. We’ve summarized the Tales Noir partner based on his strengths in this tier list.

To explore the world, your character is certainly not alone. You will be accompanied by 3 partners who become 1 team and can help during the battle with their skills. But you should not be negligent in bringing your partner as far as possible to choose the one that has a high contribution during the battle and can fill your weaknesses according to the selected class.

Tales Noir Partner Tier List for July 2022

This list of Tales Noir partner tiers should only be taken as a reference because different strategies and processes can produce different results for players. This tier list is divided into categories of S, A And B..

  • Level S: This level contains very strong partners which can be seen from the uniqueness of the skill, attribute, his contribution to the team, it is highly recommended to use the character.
  • One level: This level contains strong enough partners but it’s not as strong as level S, because the skills were pretty standard.
  • Level B: This level contains partners who are quite mediocre because their skills don’t have a big impact on the team or formation during battle. But when you update the character, it’s still worth using.
Level Company
Strong (S) Ice queen,
Little Red Riding Hood,
Small glass slipper,
beauty of the castle,
Dream projection,
Charming prince,
Good (A) Snow White,
Fairy godmother,
Prince of the desert,
Captain Great Waves,
Lotus princess,
Frog Prince,
Playboy Prince,
Desert Princess,
Traveling Magician
Average(B) Thumbelina,
Tin Soldier,
Pea Princess,
Fairy of dreams,
The magic Flute,
The cat with the boots,
Tales Noir Partner Tier List for July 2022

The best meta partners for Tales Noir in July 2022

We recommend several partners that you can use in the team, which we adapt to the composition like Cistern, damaging And Supporter.


Tales-noir-oil tanker-partner
Image via Pixel Rabbit

Tanks here are useful for resisting damage when fighting enemies that have very strong attacks. We recommend charming prince because he is the only one S-level partner with tank type. He has a fairly high HP, so he can increase the player’s and partner’s DEF stat by 5% for 5 sec, as well as providing a shield for himself. Therefore Prince Charming is one of the best partners to become an oil tanker.


Image via Pixel Rabbit

The damage here is useful for dealing massive damage to the enemy so that they are quickly defeated. We recommend Little Red Riding Hood as harmful because in addition to dealing massive damage from his abilities and dealing damage to enemies 5 times, he is also capable of luring an enemy, which is very useful for you as a character against a large number of enemies.


Image via Pixel Rabbit

The support here is tasked with providing support to your character from behind and can either empower the team or debuff the enemy. We recommend The beauty of the castle as a support because it has a skill that heals allies, as well as a passive that can recover and increase the stats of DEF by 10%.

Final thoughts

Tales Noir is a game that allows you to have a partner who can help you during battle, both in holding back damage, assisting attacks on enemies, and providing support such as heals, buffs and debuffs to make it easier for you during battle. So you have to choose the best possible partner and don’t forget to adapt it to your class, where the weaknesses and weaknesses of your class are, so that your partner can cover the weaknesses.

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