Saint Seiya: the legend of justice is a Saint Seiya themed mobile game released on the global stage by Wanda Cinema Games. The game has old classic skills from the previous one Saint Seiya games which adds to the nostalgia along with various popular characters. The game features a somewhat complicated battle system with strategic elements to it that make the need for good characters in the beginning quite important, so here’s a relaunch guide for that, which will help you with exactly that.

How to efficiently revive in Saint Seiya: Legend of Justice

Saint Seiya: Legend of Justice has limited the usual rewinding methods. Also, the rewards for beginners are rather lacking for a good raise, which makes the raise very difficult and is not recommended at all. Now dedicated players who want the best units can retire with one method, but it’s tedious and time-consuming.

For this method, you will need more Google And Facebook accounts that will be used to create a number of game accounts and all you have to do is clear the tutorial and log into each account every day and pull the banner in the hope of the character you wanted or any other powerful character. It is recommended that you try this method on an emulator as this will save you some time.

Saint Seiya: Legend of Justice rewind guide for Android devices

If you are using your mobile device for reroll, follow these steps:

  • Starts on game and make sure you log in with a guest account.
  • Play through the tutorial. The tutorial can take from 7 to 10 minutes depending on the speed.
  • Once the tutorial is over, claim premium currency from various mission objectives and rewards and story rewards.
  • Roll up using the currency available if you don’t get what you wanted, follow the next step.
  • If you are using the main method, once the tutorial is finished, associate the game account with any third party account, log out and then start with a new game account and do the same. If you get the fonts you wanted, associate the account with Google or something else Third party accounts.
Image via Wanda Cinemas Games

Since the game does not have an easy way to reset the account, you will have to delete the game every time after each failed reroll attempt and reinstall it.

Saint Seiya: Legend of Justice relaunch guide for iOS devices

Due to restrictions on iOS software, other than deleting and reinstalling the game, there is no other viable solution.

How to relaunch on an emulator in Saint Seiya: Legend of Justice

Emulators are easily the best relaunch tools you can use BlueStacks, LD player or any other emulator. Most modern emulators have all the features needed to make the rewinding process a breeze. To get started with the reroll on emulators, follow these steps-

  • Install the game on any instance, preferably on a Install the 64-bit instance.
  • Do not open the game after installation, create clones first, the number of clones that can be created depends on the specifications of the device.
  • Open the cloned instances and then roll them again, after a bad rollback simply delete the cloned instance and re-create the clones from the main instance.
  • Once you have the perfect account, connect it to any third party account. You can also use this account to play on your phone.

How to associate a game account in Saint Seiya: Legend of Justice

Image via Wanda Cinemas Games

You can find a blue hovering icon in the game, just tap on it and it will take you to the shortcut menu. Pair your account wherever you want to save your progress across multiple devices.

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