Who doesn’t know the tower defense game? The simplest game you can play, but it’s still a fun and challenging game. Even though it’s simple, tower defense games are still a game where yours strategy production is being tested. Developed by MY GAMES, Rush Royale: Tower Defense TD is one of the most downloaded games, which is proof that many people enjoy this game. Therefore, we bring you the Rush Royale: Tower Defense Td beginner’s guide, which you just need to master the game.

Game overview

Rush Royale: Tower Defense TD is a multiplayer tower defense game, which means you will be playing against or alongside another player. Yes that’s right, this tower defense is not a normal tower defense game, it has a PvP function, in fact, the PvP function is the main gameplay of this game.

For you who are interested in trying to play this game, fear not, because we are here to give you guides so that you can play this game. Actually, this game, Rush Royale: Tower Defense TD is not a difficult game, indeed it is very easy, there are not many guides for this game. Now let’s move on to it.

Introducing the basics of Rush Royale: Tower Defense

Prepare your cards

You can’t play Tower Defense without cards, can you? The first thing you will need to do is pick up and collect your card. You will receive 5 basic cards at the start of the game, but as the game progresses, you will need much stronger cards in order to compete against another player. Getting a card is easy and many.

The easiest way to get one is to buy it from the shop, you can buy it using gold, or if you’re willing to spend your money in the game, you can buy chests with crystals. Buying chests will guarantee you the rarest types of cards.

Prepare your cards
Image via My.com BV

In addition to buying from the shop, you can get your cards by progressing through the arena rank. Leveling up the arena leaderboard is simple but challenging as you will need to win the game to get the point to level up.

Prepare your cards 2
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The other way to get your cards is to get a chest from the premium pass, even if the name contains the word premium, you really don’t need to use your money to get it, you just have to complete the available missions, but if you want a bonus extra from the premium pass, you can use your money there.

Assemble your unit

You already have the cards, now all you need to do is create a 5 card unit. To do this is simple, you can go to the card menu, if you don’t know which it is, it’s the three card option at the bottom of the screen. Once opened, you will see your assembled unit there, you can go to a game with the assembled unit from the tutorial, but if you want to assemble one yourself, you can change the cards.

Assemble your Rush Royale unit: Tower Defense Beginners Guide
Image via My.com BV

To do this is easy, just tap a card from your collection, then choose To selectthen touch the card you want to replace from the assembled unit, you can make up to 5 assembled card decks by tapping the numbers under the assembled unit.

Level up your cards

So, you have already assembled your unit and entered a match, but unfortunately you have been defeated by your opponent! Don’t worry and be confused, you just have to level up your cards, how do you do it? Simple! When you open the chest or level up in the arena, you will mostly get the copy of the cards you already owned previously.

leveling up your cards
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Now you have to go back to the card menu and touch the cards the bar below its level turns green, touch that card and choose update. But keep in mind that you will need a certain number of copies of the corresponding cards and also a certain number of gold to level up your cards.


It might sound weird for a tower defense game, but this game, Rush Royale: Tower Defense TD has a hero feature! The hero is not the main “hero”Actually in the game. The role of the hero in the game is only to support your cards to easily win the game. There are 9 heroes that you can summon starting at arena rank 3. Each hero has their own abilities to help you in the game, to activate the hero’s ability, morale is required to do so.

HERO Rush Royale: Tower Defense Beginner's Guide
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Morale is like mana, but is only used to activate the hero’s ability. Morale can be earned by deploying your cards on the battlefield, leveling up your cards as well as increasing the morale that can be gained by one card. We are now done with the guide, so we will give you some tips and tricks for you to try in the game to maximize your gameplay.

Rush Royale: Tower Defense TD Beginner’s Guide: Tips and Tricks

1. Dominate with numbers at an early stage

At the beginning of the game, you shouldn’t merge your cards right away, why? Because in the initial phase the wave of monsters is easy to defeat, especially if you have already leveled up your cards, without merging your cards you can easily survive the first few minutes of the first wave.

Dominate with numbers early on
Image via My.com BV

Due to the random appearance of the cards when you lay them out, it is risky to lose some firepower in the beginning, for example, you have 3 attack cards and 2 support cards in your deck, at the first deployment, manage summon 2 attack cards and 2 support cards, then you see your opponent already combine his cards and you get a stage 2 melted attack card, you are tempted to do the same but as a result you get a card of support instead which has a lower firepower.

This is risky because, if you manage to defeat a monster, the defeated monster is not actually dead, instead, that defeated monster will be teleported to your opponent’s camp and vice versa, the opponent’s defeated monsters will also be teleported to your camp. Therefore, it is safer to increase the firepower as much as possible early on.

2. Merge wisely

The second tips and tricks are related to the first. You can’t merge all your cards at once, you have to think about who you should merge first. We will give you an example like this: your field is full, you cannot deploy more cards and you cannot discard or throw away the card that you have previously deployed, the only way is to combine your cards to create spaces.

Combine Rush Royale Wisely: Tower Defense Beginner's Guide
Image via My.com BV

In that scenario, the recommended action is to merge your cards that have the lowest power, or the one you think will be less useful as the monster wave gets stronger. But again, there are some considerations, for example, which card will appear when you merge them? Or will you be in trouble when that card type is changed to another card type?

3. Prioritize your leveling

When you level up your cards, it is best to see the card details first. You want a card with high power and you can defeat a monster quickly as you will be playing against another player. The card you need to prioritize is the card that is able to defeat monsters quickly, this way you will be able to easily win the round, especially when the mini-boss and the boss have appeared.

Pay attention to the type of paper when assembling the unit
Image via My.com BV

Leveling is important as the monster wave gets stronger with each wave, a strong card is needed. And since the amount of gold at the beginning of the game is not much, and if, unfortunately, you keep losing in matches, you must have a higher level card than the rest of your cards.

4. Pay attention to the type of paper when assembling your Units

Pay attention to the type of paper when assembling the unit
Image via My.com BV

Having all the attack cards is less risky because you can combine the cards without worrying about getting support cards most of which have less power, but if you don’t have at least one support card in your unit, you will be in trouble when you manage to survive to the third. wave of monsters, this is because the support card is really useful in the game, some can slow the enemy down, others can boost the attacks of your cards and some can even stun the enemy for a moment. If you don’t have one, you can still win the round, but it will be much more difficult, especially if your opponent has one.

5. Use your Mana wisely

Mana is important, without mana you cannot deploy your cards in battle, in the first phase do not worry about running out of mana, you can recharge it quickly because to recharge mana you will have to defeat monsters and monsters in the initial phase of the game is weak, so yours mana will be reloaded quickly, but what if you run out of mana halfway through the game?

Use your mana wisely
Image via My.com BV

To deploy your card, the amount of mana needed will be increased, so halfway through the game you’ll need to spend your mana carefully, if possible you have a limitation. For example, to set up a card you need 210 mana, but your mana is at 220, if you set it up now, you will run out of mana immediately, the thing you have to do is wait for it to reach 350 or more.

6. Check the shop every day

store daily Rush Royale: Tower Defense Beginner's Guide
Image via My.com BV

This tip may not have a huge impact on your game, but by checking the store every day, you might get good cards or even cards you don’t have yet. The store also has daily deals for you, this is also a good reason why you should visit the store regularly every day, you can get a free item every day, not a bad deal, right?

7. Complete missions every day

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It is worth checking the in-game research, in fact it is a must to carry out the missions available in the game. You will get decent rewards for completing it, you will get chests, cards, gold and tokens to level up in the premium pass.

8. Don’t rush to phase 3 of card merging

At some point you will merge your cards in phase 2, but if possible keep them in the second phase and do not merge them in the third phase, this is because when you merge your card in the third phase, your card will lose some of it is powerful, so It is not recommended to merge your card up to stage three unless it is really necessary. The situation that’s okay for you to merge your card in step three:

card merge phase 3 Rush Royale: Tower Defense Beginners Guide
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  • When you run out of space to deal more cards
  • When you are already at the end of the game (monster wave 3 and above) and you really need more cards to field. In this scenario, we recommend that you upgrade all your cards to level 3 in the battle.

9. Mana isn’t just for dealing cards

Once you have entered the battle and have already joined some of your cards to their second phase, but you still feel that your card is weaker than your opponent’s card, it means that you need to upgrade your card’s power in battle.

Mana isn't just for dealing cards
Image via My.com BV

To do this you just have to touch the card you want to update at the bottom of the screen, it will be used by each update 100 mana at the beginning, and with each level up, the mana needed will be increased by another 100.

10. Don’t forget your hero

Some players may forget this, you have a hero accompanying you in battle. It is true that the hero does nothing in your battle, all he does is simply do nothing, in fact, he could do nothing.

Don't forget you have a hero with you Rush Royale: Tower Defense Beginners Guide
Image via My.com BV

The hero will be useful when the morale is full because once the morale is full you can activate the hero’s ability, once the ability is activated the hero will not do anything until the morale is filled again . The hero skill will have a huge impact on your battle, each hero has different skills which will help you win your battle against your opponent.

Final thoughts

This game is quite simple to learn, just following the game tutorial is probably enough for a new player to know how to play, but if you want to play it correctly, you can explore the game. There are several aspects of this game that can help you play easily. Remember, this Rush Royale: Tower Defense beginner’s guide above is one of the many guides that can help you and will help you play and understand the game more.

That’s it from this Rush Royale: Tower Defense TD Beginner’s Guide. Contact us in the comment section if you find this Rush Royale: Tower Defense TD beginner’s guide useful.

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