Robot Tactics is a brand new strategy game for Android and iOS from Proficient City Limited. Check out our guide to robot tactics, tips, tricks and strategy to assemble the best robot

The creators of the Bomb Me game, Proficient City Limited, have just released a mobile robot game that allows you to build your own mecha. In the Robot Tactics game, the player assembles a team of Warlocks and characters to defeat enemies in a variety of game modes; national warfare, PvP, missions and more. You can even make your own mecha or robot by assembling the parts. Today, in this post, we have covered everything about the game you need to know as a beginner; Robot Tactics Guide And Robot Tactics tips, tricks and strategy guide to master the game.

The Basics – Robotic Tactics Game – Most Important

Before moving on to the cheats, tips and strategy guide part, let’s learn the basics first. In the Robot Tactics game, you have to create a team of sorcerers and deploy the pilots on each sorcerer. The game provides three sorcerers for free when you start the game for the first time. After it, to get the sorcerer or the robot, you need to find the parts of the robot. We will delve into the build mechanisms in the guide below. Keep in mind that the parts are important. If you have rare or powerful parts, you will be able to build a powerful mecha. These parts are classified into ranks; A, S, C, B and more. S-Rank, A-Rank, or B-Rank parts provide more buffs to the mecha in battle.

And in the Robot Tactics game, the characters or pilots play an important role. You assign these characters to the sorcerers. The character system also follows the same mechanics (rank system). A high-ranking pilot provides more buffs to the warlock. The problems you may encounter after completing the tutorial are how to find parts, update parts, produce parts, and more. Read the part of the robot tactics guide below to learn more.

At the start of the game, you only have access to the mission mode. The real game begins when you complete Chapter 2 and unlock the new game modes; national war, fortified point and arena. These modes are unlocked when you reach level 10 in the game.

In mission mode, you complete chapters and earn in-game items or currencies such as steel, crystal, amber, dollars, power-up material, and more. The mission mode has three secondary modes; chapters, the daily (weekly) dungeon and events. In dungeon mode, you fight against robots and earn upgrade material (to upgrade parts, robot / sorcerer weapons). From the event mode, the player earns tickets (after collecting enough, you will be able to extract a rare item). In short, you can farm items in the Robot Tactics game by playing the mission modes; daily chapters, events and dungeons.

As you progress through the Robot Tactics game, it gets challenging and difficult. And after a certain point, you will feel that it is time to increase the team’s BR (Battle Rating) / BP (Battle Points / Power). But it is too complex for beginners to understand how it works and what to do. Let’s go to the max Robot Tactics Guide for beginners. And after that, take a look at our top Robot Tactics cheats, tips, tricks and strategy guide.

Robot Tactics Guide

In this part we will learn about warlocks, parts, upgrades, characters / pilots, items and much more. Pay attention to all parts to master the Robot Tactics game!

Robotic tacticsYou can build three types of sorcerers in the Robot Tactics game; light, medium and heavy. The weight of the robot determines the type of warlock: –

  1. Light Robot (L) – Under 13
  2. Medium (M) – 14-21
  3. Heavy (H) – 22 or higher

To build a robot in Robot Tactics game, you need these parts: –

  1. Torso
  2. Legs
  3. Arms
  4. Bag

Torso – The main part of the robot’s body. A robot’s HP is heavily influenced on this side. Each part adds weight to the robot. For example – The weight of these parts is as follows: –

  • Torso – 4
  • Legs – 3
  • Weapons – 3
  • Bag – 5

Now, the total weight of this robot is 15. So it’s type M (Medium). In short, the parts of a robot are important. Let’s learn more.

On the main screen, tap the parts option. On the next screen, tap on the preview option. There you can check all the parts you have. Tap a part -> tap the select button (bottom right corner). The game will show you the details of that part; Anti-Pierce, Anti-Blast, Faction, Landform and stats. Among all these, the two main points are the faction and the terrain shape.

Faction and Landform describe the affiliation of a robot. faction types; PKU, USH. morphology; Land, Marina and Air. You’ll learn more about these two things in the skill guide below.

  • Build the sorcerer or the robot

If you have enough parts in your inventory, go to the Assemble menu -> tap the Create button. In the first column, select the parts; torso, legs, arms and purse. In the second column, select weapons (if you have any). A weapon increases the warlock’s attack, damage, and critical hit power. A warlock’s output or stats or type (PKU, USH, Land, or Air) is based on the selected parts. So make sure you choose your parts wisely.

After creating the warlock, you can check its stats in the Assemble menu. Here is the breakdown of the warlock stats: –

  1. BR – Battle Rating / Battle Power (BP) -> The overall strength of the warlock
  2. HP – Health points / Hit points.
  3. Weight – Determines how many weapons a robot can hold
  4. Damage: Slash, Punch, Explode and Repair (depending on weapon type)
  5. Anit-Pierce – A robot’s power of forbearance against the piercing weapon
  6. Anti-Blast – A warlock’s power of forbearance against explosive weapons
  7. Cut Resistance / Anti-Cut – Power tolerance of a robot against cut-type weapons
  8. Speed
  9. Affiliation – PKU, USH

You can craft weapons in the parts menu. Just go to the parts menu screen -> produce -> select the design or draft of the weapon and hit the production button. If you don’t have a blueprint, complete the chapters in mission mode. There are a number of weapons you can produce: –

  1. Punch
  2. Lama
  3. Launch
  4. Arch
  5. Pistol
  6. Rifle
  7. Sniper
  8. Bomb
  9. Canon
  10. Sonic
  11. Scepter
  12. Unit

In the parts menu -> go to the preview screen. On the next screen, go to the weapon tab -> tap on a weapon to check its stats; attack power, type of damage; cut, pierce or detonate, beam and more. The warlock’s stats are heavily affected by the weapon. Use high quality weapons (B-Rank, S-Rank) to activate buffs.

Most of the time, you get blueprints from chapters. These designs are used in the manufacture of robot parts and weapons. On the main screen, tap the parts option -> produce -> select the project -> produce. It is not free. You need crystals, steel and amber (resources). You can collect these resources by completing chapters.

To upgrade Warlock parts and weapons, you need upgrade material. Play in the daily underground mode to get the materials. You can play the daily dungeon in three difficulty modes; normal, advanced and difficult. We recommend that you play in normal mode at the beginning of the game. After obtaining the material, go to the parts menu -> upgrade -> parts / weapons -> select a part of a weapon -> press the upgrade button.

The characters are divided into race: –

  1. Human
  2. Wizard
  3. Lirano
  4. Elf

And there are five kinds of characters in Robot Tactics game: –

  1. Attackers (dealing bonus damage)
  2. Luck (dodging enemy attacks)
  3. Magic (good skills)
  4. Defense (high HP stats, armor stats)
  5. Speed ​​(Fast)

On the main screen -> tap the characters menu -> preview -> tap a character and press the select button to get more details; race, skill, stats, rank: S, B, C and more.

To upgrade a character -> select the upgrade option in the character menu. Then select a character -> after it, choose the material. You can use other characters as material. In short, you will have to sacrifice some characters to upgrade a character.

How to get the characters?

Go to the gacha menu. There you can summon characters using amber. Amber (resource) can be obtained by completing missions. On the main screen, tap the goal icon, just below the gift icon. There you can check out daily missions, main missions and more. Use normal summon or 10 times to get pilots. There is another option; refill amber (ignore it if you don’t want to spend real money. Swipe for more options).

You can check all the items you receive from a stage on the item preview screen. On the main game screen, in the upper right corner, tap the menu button -> items. There you can check all the items you have. If you don’t know the time, tap it to get more details.

So this is the Robot Tactics Guide for beginners. Now, let’s take a look at ours Robot Tactics cheats, tips and tricks to build the best robot.

Robot Tactics Cheats, Tips & Tricks: –

1.) Pay attention to the skills of the weapons

Robotic tacticsIn the Robot Tactics game, most of the weapons have unique abilities. And these abilities are activated when you use the weapon in a specific warlock. For instance; The Type 13 Knife is a weapon and deals + 15% damage to the enemy when equipped with a Light Sorcerer (L). To check the skills of a weapon, go to the parts menu -> preview -> weapons -> tap the weapon -> just below the icon, you can check its skill (long press on the skill icon to have more details).

2.) Get the most out of parts by assembling wisely

Robotic tacticsYou should also pay attention to the skills of the part. For instance; Lotus (U) is a part of the bust and when equipped with a warlock with affiliation (PKU), increases defense by 10%. You can read the sorcerers guide above for more details. To check the skills of the parts, go to the preview screen. Select a part and just below the part icon, long press the skill icon to get the skill details.

3.) Assign pilots based on skills

Robotic tacticsPilots are the main characters of the Robot Tactics game. They control the mecha in battle. Like parts, weapons, pilots also have some special abilities. You can check the abilities of the characters in the character preview menu. Long press the skill icon to get the skill details. You should assign pilots based on the weapon you are using in a warlock. For instance; Patience is a hero who deals + 10% damage to enemies when he uses snipers.

4.) Increase the power of the mecha

As mentioned above, the Robot Tactics game gets challenging as you progress through difficult chapters. And to get victories in battles, you will need to increase the power of the mecha. But the question is how to upgrade the wizard? Well, you don’t have to upgrade the wizard. You have to upgrade the parts (assembled by you in the sorcerer), weapons and characters. Go to the parts menu -> upgrade -> parts or weapons. Go to the characters menu -> update -> update characters. Hint: – Summon characters in the gacha. Find upgrade material in the daily dungeon mode.

5.) Don’t waste game items on useless things

In Robot Tactics, you need to upgrade parts, weapons and characters to increase a warlock’s power or BP or BR. We advise you not to waste valuable resources on upgrading useless parts, weapons and characters. Focus on grade A or B or S grade items / characters.

6.) Complete missions for free goodies

On the main screen, tap the objective icon and go to the mission menu. From there you can check out all available missions. Complete these missions to get free rewards; rare amber items, dollars, upgrade material and more. Complete event missions to get Tier S items for free.

7.) Play in Arena mode and spend Arena points

In Arena mode, fight against another player’s team of sorcerers. Tap the menu button -> choose battle -> match opponent. Before that, tap the edit button to customize the team. Defeat the players and earn points. You can exchange these coins in the shop for blueprints and parts.

So these are our best Robot Tactics tips, tricks and a complete strategy guide. Once your team has enough power, go to national war mode and send the team on a mission to get more rewards. Also, see – The best action games for Android

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