Winter Mobile Project is a free social deception game where survival is your main mission. The game offers certain objectives for you and your team, including repairing the power plant and the helipad area. In addition to completing these objectives or milestones in the game, there are other gameplay available in the game such as cooking meals, crafting items on the workbench, etc. In this cooking guide, we will discuss how to cook meals and feed the stomach to keep the hunger bar in Project Winter Mobile.

How to cook in Project Winter Mobile

When you start the game with the desired mode, you and your teammates will appear in a cabin which is a kind of shelter to be exact. The cabin consists of a workbench, a storage box used to store any items, a stove used to cook meals and a radio that can only be used after you and your team have successfully completed all your missions . Be sure to check ours Project Winter Mobile Beginner’s Guide for an advantage.

For those who have no idea how to manage the hunger bar in the game, this guide will give you an overview of how to cook meals by creating items in Project Winter Mobile.

Mobile winter cook project
Image via Boltrend Games

There are a number of meals that can be cooked using the stove in Project Winter Mobile. Starting with cooked berries, cooked animal meat, extra cooked meat and so on. All you need to know is the number of certain items needed to cook them. For example, to cook berries, you need to collect berries.

Craft materials needed to cook certain items

To make things easier, here is the list of craft materials needed to cook different foods.

Mobile winter cook project
Image via Boltrend Games
  • Cooked Berries: A food that replenishes both your hunger (+100) and health (+50) and induces heat (+10) in your body. Ingredients include berries (x 1).
  • Cooked animal meat: A food that replenishes both your hunger (+200) and health (+125) and induces heat (+25) in your body. Ingredients include animal meat (x 1).
  • Extra Cooked Meat: A food that replenishes both your hunger (+250) and health (+150) and induces heat (+50) in your body. Ingredients include extra meat (x 1).
  • Tartlet: A food that significantly replenishes hunger (+400 and + 10%) and induces heat (+100 and + 5%), providing them with a permanent boost (up to 5 times). It also replenishes health and restores maximum health to 100% when lower (up to 5 times). Ingredients include berries (x 1) and raw animal meat (x 1).
  • First aid kit: A healing item that restores health (+800) and heat (+100) and cures poisoning. Ingredients include green grass (x 3).
  • Poison: Poison is used to cook poisoned food on the stove. It can also be used to poison certain food items and poison certain items in the environment such as chests and cooperative consoles. Reduces overall health, hunger and heat by 10%. Ingredients include green grass (x 1), fuel (x 1).
  • Poisoned First Aid Kit: A poisonous item that can be crafted using the first aid kit (x 1) and poison (x 1). Reduces overall health, hunger and heat by 10% respectively.
  • Poisoned Cooked Berries: A poisonous item that can be created using Cooked Berries (x 1) and Poison (x 1). Reduces overall health, hunger and heat by 10% respectively.
  • Poisoned cooked animal meat: A poisonous item that can be crafted using cooked animal meat (x 1) and poison (x 1). Reduces overall health, hunger and heat by 10% respectively.
  • Poisoned Extra Cooked Meat: A poisonous item that can be crafted using overcooked meat (x 1) and poison (x 1). Reduces overall health, hunger and heat by 10% respectively.
  • Poisoned pie: A poisonous item that can be created using Pot Pie (x 1) and Poison (x 1). Reduces overall health, hunger and heat by 10% respectively.

That’s it for all the cooking tips and materials in Project Winter Mobile. Good cooking in the wild!

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