The heart of Noah it’s a science fiction MMORPG developed by Arcosaur Games using Unreal Engine 4. In this game, players can roam freely and explore the world of “Noah”As it is a map of the open world. Players will encounter various NPCs and monsters along their journey in this world and they will have to fight against obstacles using their character or ghosts that are based on historical characters. Ghosts are further divided into 5 different ghost classes in Noah’s Heart based on their unique abilities. Also, Ghosts are made up of various elements such as Wind, Water, Thunder, Fire, Darkness, And Light which makes them even more unique from each other. Here is the list of all the Phantom classes in Noah’s Heart and what each one is capable of.

List of all the ghost classes in Noah’s heart

Here are the different character classes in the game:


Image via Archosaur Games

This class of Ghosts can act like shields on the battlefield and can absorb huge amounts of damage dealt by opponents on their team only on themselves to protect their teammates. Ghosts belonging to this class are team players as they try to save everyone on their team and not just themselves. Some of the Ghosts in this class are Noah, Artien, And Da Vinci me among others.


Class of the ghosts of the heart of Noah
Image via Archosaur Games

Ghosts of this class are well versed in hand-to-hand and hand-to-hand combat. They have great defensive and offensive abilities at close range and even if they attack their opponents one by one it is not a problem as they can defeat them quite quickly and easily. Sanada And Kami are some examples of the Ghosts of this class.


Image via Archosaur Games

This class has the opposite ability to the Ghosts in the Fighter class because unlike them, Ranger Phantoms are the masters in the use of long range weapons. They can inflict high levels of damage on their enemies for greater than normal range and also help increase the speed of their teammates in general. Some Ghosts of this class are Save Sisyphus And Ave.


Image via Archosaur Games

At least one Phantom of this class is a must on their team. They are the the best supporters of the game and it is thanks to their healing abilities. Having them on your team greatly increases your chances of winning. Players will not be as easy to kill as they normally would due to their new health regeneration abilities. Viviana, Aurora And Gretel are some Ghosts belonging to this class.


Class of the ghosts of the heart of Noah
Image via Archosaur Games

This class is known for its stealth skills and can also deal massive damage to their enemies undetected most of the time. Their abilities also come in handy for helping their teammates in some intense scenarios as their one hit can change the whole dynamics of the match. Kage, Sherilyn and Kiko are some of the Ghosts of this class.

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