Netasi is the next big one shooter the game is meant to be Lost Light a different version of their other similar style shooter, Badlander. It looks like this new game will be more geared towards next-generation high-end mobile devices. For this reason, the graphics and abundance of content are very advanced here. This Lost Light beginner’s guide should summarize everything you need to know about this brand new Netease Spotlight game.

Introduction to the basics of lost light

Lost Light is like a complex web of information that can be very difficult to understand. This section will summarize all the necessary details you will need as a starting player.

Pre-match preparations

Battle Royale games tend to drop players on the map, empty-handed, and then entrust them with the task of searching for weapons and loot in order to survive. Lost Light, on the other hand, allows you to prepare before the game, by purchasing loot from a virtual store with in-game money. You can then enter a fully loaded match, without having to search against the RNG for usable loot, although this is still an option. Make sure you take advantage of this feature, having a good gun on hand could make the absolute difference.

Choose your soldier

Lost Light Offers 2 types of groups of soldiers you can participate. Both groups have different skills and jobs, so choose wisely!

1. Firefly

This is the soldier you can choose from the very beginning of the game. The fireflies are tasked with invading the map in search of valuables, the map here is basically the territory of the other type of soldier – Marauder. Fireflies can too choose any type of loot he likes before the game and can play the game without any energy expenditure. However, firefly soldiers are armies from 1 man. You have no allies here, so any other player can and will try to take you out.

2. Marauder

This soldier can be unlocked after level 3 and is the most advanced of the 2 types. Choose this class if you feel comfortable with any gun, as the game will guarantee you a random loading before the game, with no customization options. Furthermore, this class also consumes energy. However, there are advantages as all Marauders are allies and therefore your only enemy will be the fireflies. This gives a huge sense of security when you think about it.

The goal for both types of soldiers is the same: enter, collect loot, exit safely.

Earning money from looting

The whole great idea of ​​the game is to increase your cash balance. As the main feature of the PC game, Escape from Tarkov the players have the task collecting loot in a match and then escaping via an escape point to stash their toilet t. It is a very dynamic system, which is not common in many shooting games. Guns, ammunition, consumables, etc. They will all stay with your character when you finish the game and you can sell those things for cash. Alternatively, the weapons you collect can be stored in your “hideout” and you can use them instead of buying loot for pre-game setup.

There is a problem though if you die in the game, everything you have is up for grabs for any other player around. Buying the best items from the store as a prep is very risky as all that money could just be a gift to someone else if you let your guard down and die in the game. Luckily though, players also have a safe section in their backpack, this is basically a hidden area where you can stash items that stay with you even if you die. Use this for your best loot so you don’t risk losing it.

Lost Light Beginner’s Guide: Tips and Tricks

1. Choose your pre-match equipment wisely

Not many map looting style shooter games allow you to grab the loot before the game. Make sure you choose your guns wisely, they should be things you feel comfortable using, not just the more expensive ones. Collecting some consumables is also helpful, especially healing items.

Lost light equipment

Ammunition it’s probably one of the must-haves that you should definitely stock up on based on what your most used weapons are. Avoid going all in though, as you can still collect loot even during the game and even stacked equipment can prove difficult for the budget. If you’re not comfortable with your fighting skills, try to stick to the basic essentials as you improve your skills.

2. Learn the reverse map

Whatever the map, it is practically essential to learn everything about it. Everything from loot points, spawn points, hidden areas, and even general logistics. For example, the first map called BAF Factory is quite confined with many crates, ladders and other typical warehouse items. This makes combat highly dependent on close combat, so shotguns are very useful. On the other hand, in a more distant map, snipers and rifles will be more efficient, as it will be easier to spot enemies in the distance.

3. Fight smart

If you’ve played any battle royale or shooter before, you’ll know what it is. Plunging into a headlong battle without preparation is like digging your own grave. Sure you could get away with it every now and then, but this is never ideal. Try to scan the area in front of you, find out where the enemies are coming from and tactically plan your attacks. Experience will help with this, play a lot of games and it should come naturally to you.

4. Heal your enemies

Believe it or not, this is possible. If you are a firefly, you are technically alone against other fireflies and a team of raiders. However, when you take down an opponent, there is a chance to completely finish them off and send them back to the lobby or revive them. You will still be playing against them, but this should be an act of kindness to promote teamwork among freelance fireflies. It is generally recommended to do this avoid any kind of association with other fireflies, mainly because it’s really hard to trust someone. There’s every chance they’ll turn around after you revive them and knock you down instead.

Lost light, lost light release

However, if ever the golden opportunity arises where you can team up with a reliable firefly, don’t miss it, as 2 fireflies create an unstoppable force. If you ever get revived by a firefly, show some respect for the resuscitator!

5. Manage your health carefully

Lost Light has a very interesting healthcare system. In the base of your lobby, you can view all your health stats mapped around a human body diagram. Players need to make sure that all stats are at a sufficient level, otherwise they can create huge handicaps.

For instance, if your legs are in poor health, your movement speed may be slower. Another feature is Bleeding, where if you take significant damage, your character continually loses blood to the point where you simply die or use a healing item. Make sure you are always on top of your health and anything below full health is never acceptable.

That’s all for today Lost Light Beginner’s Guide. You found ours Lost Light Beginner’s Guide useful? Let us know in the Comments under!

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