Hyperfront is NetEase Games ” latest 5v5 tactical shooter game that generated enough excitement. One of them is the use of heroes in battles. Players can choose from these heroes to play with. The global version of the game has a total of 12 heroes and they are divided into five different classes, viz Guardians, Tactics, Scouts, Fighters, And Supporters. Don’t worry, we’ve summarized Hyper Front’s heroes based on their strengths in this tier list.

Each hero has a unique set of skills useful in battle, and each player has a different hero and a different reason to feel comfortable playing like them. So, in this article, we’re going to take a look at the Hyper Front hero tier list for July 2022.

Hyper Front Hero Tier List for July 2022

This Hyper Front Heroes tier list should only be taken as a reference because different strategies and processes can produce different results for players. This tier list is divided into categories of S +, S, A, B., C, And D..

Level Heroes
Overwhelmed (S +) Nemesis,
Blood Raider
Strong (S) Blink,
Good (A) Gust
Fair (B) Take care of the light,
Weak (C) Faith Arrow,
Poor (D) Valkyrie
Hyper Front Hero Tier List for July 2022

All heroes have different abilities but can still be placed in certain groups taking into account the results of their powers and for what reasons they can be used. These groups are known to have classes in the game, and there are five different types of classes available. This is what each class represents and the best hero among all the heroes in the class.

Guardian class: Coldcast

Players can probably guess from the name that heroes belonging to this class have a duty to protect their teammates even if this has to be done by getting involved. This class has two heroes viz Coldcast And Valkyrie.

Image via NetEase Games

Having at least one Guardian on your team will help players a lot. Coldcast is better than Valkyrie if one has to choose between them because Valkyrie has the ability to spot opponents and use shields against them.

It can also throw grenades from the sky, which sounds like a good advantage, but Coldcast can slow down the speed of its opponents, it can also turn them into frozen statues, and like Valkyrie, it can also form shields. She also deals massive damage using Ice Storm. Both heroes have fairly similar abilities, but the fact that Coldcast freezes her opponents in place and slows them down even gives her an advantage.

Scout class: Senital

As the name suggests, their job is to explore the area and find out the locations of their opponents so they can plan their attack accordingly. Players who like to shoot enemies from a distance will appreciate this class because the heroes have an extended firing range.

Image via NetEase Games

While it takes time to master their powerful shot from a greater distance than normal, it is somewhat challenging and players trying to do so should have a fair amount of tolerance and patience. The heroes of this class are Senital and Faith Arrow.

Both can explore the map in search of opponents, but while Faith Arrow does it using arrows, Senital does it using aerial drones. This ability is quite similar, but the fact that Senital can throw grenades at enemies to attack quickly makes a difference because Faith Arrow uses Fire Arrows on enemies and the chance of missing is relatively high. So using Senital is the safest bet.

Heroes of this class are well-known strategists who can use their opponents’ weaknesses to their advantage. Players tend not to like this class very much as heroes don’t deal a lot of damage to opponents, but they can improve if players keep upgrading their skills by using them in battles. This class has three heroes in particular Storm, Blink And Veil.

Image via NetEase Games

All three heroes have fairly similar abilities such as powers to blind their opponents with various methods such as creating a storm in the case of Storm or creating a sandstorm in the case of the Veil. But Blink is the winner among them because in addition to the ability to blind his opponents, he can also literally teleport to any point on the map and even teleport his opponents to separate them from their teams.

Brawlers class: Blood Raider

Heroes of this class have close range combat skills and are used in closed combat. They have quite different skill sets and also some of the most useful which make them the most popular class in the whole game. It consists of four different heroes viz Blood Raider, Blast, Nemesis And Thunder.

Image via NetEase Games

All heroes have different types of abilities and each of them is really good. Even though the fight for the top spot is pretty tough and people might have different opinions about it too. But for now, Blood Raider wins because in addition to its self-healing powers while battling enemies, it also has the ability to resurrect from death itself.

This is a very important and special skill to have in this game as teammates cannot revive each other in this game and this power gives them a second chance in the same round which greatly increases their chances of winning.

Supporter class: Cure Light

Supporters they are the class that doesn’t want to steal the spotlight from their close and long-range combat teammates and prefer to operate from the shadows. As the name suggests, their job is to support their friends by providing healing abilities to everyone around them and also debuffing the players, which in turn will reduce their chances of winning.

healing light
Image via NetEase Games

There is only one hero in this class so far called Cure the light. Since there are no other heroes in this class, there is no competition for Cure Light for the top spot. But that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t be a worthy contender if there was actually a competition since in addition to the ability to heal her teammates, she can also heal herself, which gives her a great advantage. You can also block various points on the map to prevent opponents from entering and exiting various points.

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