Arrow of faith is one of the most efficient scouts available in Hyperfront. Faith Arrow can be a bit difficult for beginners to learn. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. This article will discuss everything you need to know and learn about Faith Arrow. Here is our detailed guide on learning and play Arrow of faith in Hyper Front.

We previously discussed how to master the game with other Hyper Front characters such as Sentinel And Gust. Therefore, be sure to check out the previous character guides as well. For now, let’s focus Arrow of faith.

About Faith Arrow in Hyper Front

Faith Arrow is one of the Hyper Front explorers. She does a mixed job of gathering information for her teammates and also provides teammate support with her directing skills.

Skill of the arrow of faith

Faith Arrow is primarily designed for passive games. Here are all of Faith Arrow’s abilities:

Skill 1 – Recon Arrow

Hyper Front Faith arrow guide

Scouting Arrow is Faith’s signature ability. Using this skill sends out a recon arrow that deploys a sonar scan to reveal the location of enemies within the arrow’s line of sight. The scanned enemy becomes visible to all squad members. However, the arrow cannot scan walls.

Skill 2 – Fiery Arrow

Hyper Front Faith arrow guide

This ability also sends out a similar arrow that stays on fire. After hitting the ground, the fire deals continuous damage to enemies within its damage area. You must purchase this skill using 200 credits.

Ultimate Ability: Flaming Arrow

Hyper Front Faith arrow guide
Image via NetEase

After the last one is activated, Faith Arrow charges her arrow and releases a golden bird that traverses the entire map dealing damage to enemies over time and revealing their locations. The fiery arrow can also pass through any wall and obstacle.

The best weapons for Faith Arrow in Hyper Front

Faith Arrow is mainly used for exploring an area. It is best paired with passive weapons to hold down a corner and give support to his teammates. Here is a list of the guns that best match Faith Arrow:

Here is a list of heroes who will best pair with Faith Arrow:

  • Storm: Storm is a convincing hero at blocking line of sight for enemies using his Tornado Burst, creating multiple openings for the team during attack and shooting situations.
  • Gust: Blast, along with her Jetpack, can enter the site efficiently after Faith Arrow has explored the site.
  • Cure the light: Cure Light is the best support hero in Hyper Front. She can heal and support her teammates from behind while her team is engaged in any fight.
  • Blink: Blink’s teleportation and digitized abilities will give the team an upper hand over the opponent when paired perfectly with Faith Arrow.

Hyper Front Faith Arrow Gameplay Tips

The first thing you need to know about Faith Arrow is to launch her Scouting Arrow. Shooting the arrow in perfect spots can provide more crucial information for the team. You must understand the correct use of his Scout Arrow to gather maximum information for your team.

Characters from Project M: Faith Arrow
Image via NetEase

Aside from his scouting skills, his ultimate also plays a pivotal role as one of his directing skills. Using your best in perfect situations can put your teams to the test. Using the maximum in post-implantation situations can prevent opponents from spreading the stellar core.

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