Albedo it’s a 5 stars Geo swordsman in Genshin Impact this is his 3rd rerun in Version 3.1 update. With his ability to apply a lot of consistent out-of-bounds damage thanks to his elemental ability, he’s great for many team compositions. Albedo has a strong synergy with Geo-based team duel, Geo supports And DPS making it vital for any Geo-based team composition. In this guide, players will be asked to prefer some team compositions in Genshin Impact with Albedo in the mix.

The best team compositions for Albedo in Genshin Impact

1. Duo Geo team comp

Duo Geo team comp
Image via Keqingmains
Damage Shield Support Sub-DPS
Xiao / Hu Tao Zhongli Albedo Xingqui

Zhongli and Albedo work well together, most of the time when used correctly. Both can apply large damage out of bounds and speaking of Albedo’s ability, it doesn’t apply to a small geographic state on his enemies. Therefore, it leaves no window open for the interference of the elements for other reactions. For example, Hu Tao and Xingqiu vape comp. This team composition works well with Hu Tao or Xiao and the extra shield provided by Zhongli to characters like Xiao

2. Geo Quickswap Team Comp

    Geo Quickswap Team Comp
Image via Keqingmains
Damage Support Shield Crowd control
Ningguang Albedo Zhongli / Gorou Twenty / Kazuha

This team composition, as the name suggests, is a team with short-lived quick rotations. This comp minimizes rotation for maximum DMG output, as most Geo characters have short bursts of reload, making team rotation fast. As for the other two slots, players can use Zhongli for Shielding or Gorou for Geo buff and Venti / Kazuha for crowd control.

3. Complete Comp. Of the Geo DEF team

Complete of the team Geo DEF comp
Image via HoYoLab
Damage Shield Bumper Sub-DPS
Arataki Itto Zhongli Goro Albedo

This is the complete composition of the Geo team, as the synergy between these geographic characters is fantastic. He can pump a lot of DMG, Gorou is known for being the best support, which synergizes very well with Itto, Zhongli for the shield, and finally Albedo for that sweet off-field damage. The only thing this team lacks is that he is weak against air units. If players are dealing with something like Golden Wolflord or Rifthouds. There is no window to survive, as the shield does not protect players Corrosion.

That’s it for the best team compositions for Albedo in Genshin Impact. Let us know in the Comments under.

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