Son of fate is a popular Japanese Role playing game gameplay focused on turn-based combat and a linear storyline to keep players even more engaged. The game has a multitude of characters and here we will divide the most powerful and widely used characters into a list of levels with varying classifications. Don’t worry, we’ll help you by providing our Destiny Child tier list of all the characters in the game.

The game puts you in control of Childs, where a child enters a tournament that will determine the next Archfiend or Premier of the demon realm. The short follows the player’s journey to become the aforementioned Archfiend in the game.

Destiny Child Tier List for October 2022

This Destiny Child tier list should only be taken as a reference because different strategies and compositions can produce different results for players. This list of levels will be divided into categories of S +, S, A, B, And C.

Level Striker Defender Healer Debuffer Tank Support
Overwhelmed (S +) Salome, Chang’e, Saturn Pomona Dan, Mona Neptune
Strong (S) Eva, Thanatos, Bastet, Sirena Being s Astraea, Maat, Syrinx Bathory
Good (A) Daphnis, Freyja, Ayane, Khepri, Elizabeth, Krapmus, Abaddon, Nicole, Jacheongbi, Mafdet Athena Deino, Demeter Rita, Tiamat, Tamamo Leda, Pantheon
Average(B) Kubaba, Davi, Bari, Tyrving, Frej, Calypso, Ziva, Eochaid, Cain, Serval, Annie, Medb, Cleopatra, Ailill, Kasumi Raccoon, Marie Rose Rusalka, Metis, Makoto Jupiter, Moa, Banshee, Midas, Olga, Isolde, Katherine, Ifis Eshu, Mars, Hades Aria, Leo, Sci Eshu, Giltine, Lisa, Miku, Failnaught, Durandal, Pallas
Weak (C) Morgan, Estia, Ashtoreth Mammon, Keino, Daoine Sidhe Rin, Honoka, Venus Nine, Limousine, Luin, Pan, Neamhain, Red Cross, Santa Claus, Thetis, Horus, Nirrti, Lan Fei, Babel, Billy Diablo, Brigida, Caterina Naias, Verdelet, Sytry, Werewolf, Ganesha, Doryeong

While the character roster, or rather, the full roster of characters in Destiny Child is huge, we’ve rounded up the noteworthy ones in this tier list right here. While those inside Class S + should preferably be used by all, if possible, those in the S class I’m not far behind.

Destiny baby blanket
Image via SHIFT

In addition, the characters of Level A they are strong too, but only in certain situations that when they are in favor of the specific Child make them excel. level B traits are those traits that are rarely used and mostly exist as fodder. Meanwhile, the Class C it consists of those characters that players should stay away from due to their weak overall production and lack of efficiency. That’s it for this article, we hope you find it useful in your quest to master this game.

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Philip Owell

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