MOBA of automatic chess is a new early access game based on the game of Dragon Nest Games, titled Autochess. However, unlike Autochess, as the name suggests, AutoChess MOBA is a MOBA type of game that aims to rival powerful mobile MOBAs such as Mobile Legends: Bang Bang And Wilderness of League of Legends. In this article, we will show you 10 tips and tricks for owning enemies in the competitive Autochess MOBA ladder!

Tips and tricks to improve your gameplay in AutoChess MOBA

1. Fog of war and vision

The Fog of war in Autochess MOBA follows Dota in making strategic play more difficult. On the screen, he looks at the small map in the upper left corner. Do you see all the places that have gone black? They are enveloped in Fog of War, compromising your team’s ability to see the entire map.

MOBA 10 Pro Auto Chess Tips
Image via Dragon Nest

For this there are free wards. They only allow you to see a small portion of the region that surrounds them once they have been placed on the map. Placing them in strategic positions on the map will greatly benefit the entire team. The jungle, in particular, because they interact with the jungle creeps in more than the waves of minions and they spend most of their time in the fog of war. Since the other team may not always be aware of where they are, they have a better chance of unexpectedly emerging into the lane for a kill.

2. Learn to move while attacking at the same time

Kiting will also be a key skill set for the game. This tip will be useful to students, especially sharpshooters Ranger. You should practice doing this in many environments because it will keep you alive in a variety of circumstances.

Learn to Move AutoChess MOBA Tips and Tricks
Image via Dragon Nest

If you are a complete beginner, it will be a bit challenging, but with practice you will get the hang of it. Basically, you continuously move and launch an automatic attack by repeatedly pressing the attack button and position wheel.

3. Search for the best possible builds and item counters

If you are completely decimated by an opposing ranger or ax, you should think about adding extra armor. When situations like this develop, new players find that the state of the game will change the builds of the items slightly.

Your object build should be constantly adaptable to how the other team is scaling. Know when to add extras Resist the magic or increasing your physical attack to help with game progression is part of that.

4. Become aware of the surrounding environment

In AutoChess MOBA, survival depends on awareness. Knowing (and sometimes even predicting) where your opponents are hiding and moving around the map is the key to playing with high awareness. If there are no protections to keep an eye on your surroundings, you should really reconsider your position when pushing into the middle lane with no opponents visible in the lane.

5. Wards save lives

aware of your surroundings
Image via Dragon Nest

As a new player, you need to remember to properly secure the map, which is related to the previous tip. Your eyes are your wards in the in the midst of the fog of battle. You can locate your opponents and prepare your next attack accordingly. Don’t forget to place your defenses in strategic spots, especially the jungle heights, to avoid losing sight of your victory.

6. Keep an eye on your team composition

Gameplay in Autochess MOBA is cooperative. Consequently, you must always pay attention to the heroes chosen by your teammates and choose your hero appropriately. You and your teammates need to keep an eye on each other and help out when needed.

composition of the team
Image via Dragon Nest

Increases the likelihood of your team being successful if your champion works in tandem with the champions chosen by your teammates.

7. Try to keep only a handful of heroes you like

Strive to play and master fewer heroes. If you strive to master them all, you won’t have much of an impact on the game and will play each champion at a lower level. Try to play the same role every time. If you often jump between lead and support roles, for example, switching between role mindsets would be more challenging, resulting in more mistakes.

8. Find out which skills have cooldowns and which skills deal damage as you level up

Since you don’t have any items and you have to rely primarily on your abilities to deal damage early in the game, before your basic attacks can really help you, it is highly recommended that you level up those skills that get cooldown reduction rather than those that inflict greater damage.

skills have cooldowns AutoChess MOBA Tips and Tricks
Image via Dragon Nest

Therefore, you should focus on leveling up those skills that get a reduction in cooldown. You can improve your hand in the game this way. Leveling up the ability to hit as a priority can help transport farm more safely, especially for hitting heroes like The Source.

9. Communication is the key

While it is repeated in most team games ever, one of the best ways to win any AutoChess MOBA game is to communicate with your friends. Use the exclamation point ping to let your lane opponent know they are gone. This alerts the other members of your squad of a potential attack.

Having effective communication is key when launching team fights. In team battles, giving your teammates instructions on which enemy to take out first can give you an edge by establishing who your main targets are. Pings are a quick and effective method of in-game communication. You can ask for help, try to ping targets, or ask your allies for help.

10. Play in a Duo or Trio queue

If you know people you can trust and are a good player, don’t hesitate to invite them and play as two or three stacks. This maximizes your chances of winning matches and climbing faster as you will have fewer random players on your team.

This also gives you the benefit of having better communication and better objective control. Also, you can rely on your premade if you’re not playing well at the moment and help it carry on or vice versa. Finally, winning or losing, playing with friends makes games twice as fun.

Final thoughts

That would be all for Autochess MOBA 10 pro tips and tricks, I hope you have learned a lot more about how to easily win and climb the ranks in the new upcoming Autochess MOBA! Now all that remains is to try and conquer other players with your superb knowledge and skills.

That’s it from us for AutoChess MOBA tips guide! You have found our MOBA AutoChess Advice guide useful? Let us know in the Comments!

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