ALICE Fiction it’s a fast pace Puzzle Role playing game game on the market. It is developed by WonderPlanet Inc., and brings with it a different version of the puzzle games. In this beginner’s guide, we will discuss what this game is, its benefits for new players, how new players can progress, and so on. Puzzle games, such as MMOs and RPGs, have become saturated. ALICE Fiction is a breath of fresh air in the genre. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll take a look at ALICE Fiction’s basic gameplay and tips and help new players gain an advantage.

Game overview

The story of this game takes place in a digital world. This world is called the Metaverse of ALICE. In this Metaverse, we are one Avatar, our digital self. All our memories of the metaverse are stored in a database. These stored memories are known as Memories of the world. One day, like any other, as we navigate the Metaverse, one mistake causes the whole thing to break and fall apart.

This error code blocks us access, but the mother AI fixes the problem and we log in again. When we log in again, we learn that we have forgotten everything about the Metaverse, we don’t even remember if we logged in before. Presumably we have a little sister in this Metaverse, and we can’t even remember her. This is where the game begins.

Presentation of the basics of ALICE Fiction

Main gameplay

The main gameplay of this game is kind of like Candy Crush but better and contains more action. After we are done with the story tutorial, we have to defeat a monster that has appeared in the Metaverse due to the error. We beat this monster by breaking panels on the screen.

Alice-Fiction game
Image via WonderPlanet Inc.

These panels contain the faces of our characters that we possess and breaking them helps our characters on the screen to attack the enemy. Breaking more than 3 panels of the same character (like in Candy Crush or similar games) causes that character to unleash a special attack. These special attacks are devastating, so breaking 3+ panels as often as possible should be the goal.


A small but very important part of the above gameplay is the timer. There is a timer that expires when it’s our turn. Hence, it is very important to make sure that you break as many 3+ and singular panels as possible within the time limit. If we don’t, our character’s attacks will be much weaker.


Skills are special effects on our characters. These can also be called passionate. These skills can be used to help our entire team. These include buffs for our characters, as well as debuffing other characters and so on.

Energy System

ALICE Fiction rewind guide
Image via WonderPlanet Inc.

A limiting factor that limits playing time in ALICE Fiction is energy. The energy system here allows players to store a lot of energy. Once the energy runs out completely, we have to wait for it to recharge, otherwise we can also buy it in the store.

Automatic playback

After completing a few missions in the beginning, the Auto Play feature becomes available for future battles. This is useful for quick play sessions.

Memories of the world

The memories of the world are the memories of our avatar. These memories are part of the main storyline and also some side missions. These memories are also made up of several levels, with 5 stars Memories of the world are the highest rarity. These 5-star world memories can also be obtained via a gacha banner.

Completion of missions

The main objective of the missions in ALICE Fiction is to unlock different parts of the game. This game contains a lot of different quest lines. The main questline among them is the Primary story missions. Memories of the world they are also unlocked by completing some missions at the beginning.

Image via WonderPlanet Inc.

The early early stages of the game revolve around completing them to unlock different parts of the game, as mentioned earlier. Below are the different parts of the game that we can unlock:

  • Resource missions: Unlocked by completing mission 1-6. These missions are used to collect resources such as Experience.
  • The underground: unlocked by completing Main Quest 03-01 (Normal).
  • Memory Search: unlocked by completing Main mission 01-10 (normal).
  • Event mission s: unlocked by completing Main Quest 01-09 (Normal).
  • Battle arena: unlocked by completing Main mission 04-07 (Normal). This is the PvP aspect of ALICE Fiction.
  • Team hunting: Unlocked by joining a team.

Using Gacha in the game

The characters we get in ALICE Fiction are obtained through a gacha system. These characters have 3 rarities:

  • 1 star: The most common characters are generally weak characters.
  • 2 stars: Stronger than 1-star characters, but weaker than 3-star characters. Good characters with a variety of powers.
  • 3 stars: 3-star characters are the strongest in the game. These characters have special attacks that change the game and can change battles on their own.

All of these characters can be obtained through different gacha banners. Along with this, all of these characters can also be upgraded. For this, there is a different gacha banner known as “Gacha every day“. The things needed for these upgrades are the spare parts. These spare parts consist of several things in the Metaverse that have been used by previous ALICE users.

Understanding game resources and accessories

ALICE Fiction has some different collectible assets. The main goal of any of these resources is to use them in the gacha. Let’s take a look at what these resources are:

Alice-Fiction Resources
Image via WonderPlanet Inc.
  • Power: A central element of the gameplay of this game. It can be obtained for free by top-up, or it can be purchased from the Store with real money.
  • Coins: Coins are used to upgrade our characters. Once we have collected enough materials to update them, we can use the coins to complete the update.
  • Gems: Gems are ALICE Fiction’s premium currency. They are used to design bundled gacha lotteries instead of single draws.
  • Gacha cards: These cards are used for single pulls in the gacha character. They can be obtained through play, but they are rare.

ALICE Fiction Beginner’s Guide: Tips and Tricks

Here are some of our tips in our ALICE Fiction Beginner’s Guide to help you, newbies, kickstart your journey.

  • Always collect the free gacha character available every day.
  • Use energy only for the missions you want to do. Basically, using energy for the main missions is the best option. After completing them, using them for resource missions is best.
  • If you are a free-to-play player, perform single pulls in the gacha banners.
  • Collect gems during gem-awarding events. Only then spend them on a 10-pull in the gacha, in order to get a 3 stars warranty.
  • During the game, it is important to break the individual panels so that more than 3 panels of the same characters are in line. Even just squeezing the panels won’t do the trick.
  • The content of the endgame is still a long way off, so new players should focus on learning the game correctly and not worry about the endgame right now.

So go ahead and try it! If you find any issues, don’t hesitate to rely on this ALICE Fiction beginner’s guide for tips.

That’s it from us for the ALICE Fiction Beginner’s Guide! You found ours ALICE Fiction guide for beginners useful? Let us know in the Comments!

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