The “enemies”, it is not an exaggeration to call them that, are back: the computer scammers are always lurking and pretending to be the top of the INPS again to point straight to your current account. Watch out for fraudulent emails.

It is not the first and it will not be the last. Let’s talk about the he cons which is turning overwhelmingly on the Net and which in these days of economic emergency could therefore allow unscrupulous attackers to steal sensitive data from unsuspecting users.

It all started with INPS and with the reimbursement of 600 euros. What we have seen the previous government has allocated for all self-employed workers as VAT numbers to counter the Coronavirus emergency.

In this case, as often happens, the hackers have decided to take over the subject exclusively to create a series of ad hoc e-mails of phishing. They certainly were able to grab the attention of less experienced web users.

The alarm went off directly by INPS than on its own site he set up a section for months in which he specifically explains that the emails that are reaching more users were not sent by the Institute but by malicious hackers who only and exclusively want to acquire sensitive data of those who will respond.

But it’s not just about the old refund of 600 euros. The emails of the scammers now try to make you fall into a larger trap, convincing you, posing as the INPS management, that you are entitled to a refund or money transfer.

It comes to you requested to reformulate and communicate your access data and the damage is done. Snap the trap. Basically, hackers send emails to unsuspecting users who receive them “Disguised” with logos and layouts similar to those of INPS.

The text of the email invites you to click on a certain button (or link) that automatically refers to a page that is also masked. Here the user has to enter his data here. In particular here you are asked for your bank account credentials in order to proceed with the refund. Nothing could be more false since, at this point, once the credentials have been obtained, the hackers can act directly on the unsuspecting user. In minutes they can steal your money.

False emails: watch out for traps, it’s not about INPS

We are facing the umpteenth phishing scam, that is, fake emails disguised as official national bodies or even others, which are exchanged by unsuspecting users who reveal their sensitive data, clearly putting their bank account or even their identity at risk.

The phishing strategy designed today by hackers very often it is not easy to recognize especially for those who are not so expert on the web and its risks. In this case the advice that can be given, to avoid this type of scam, is to carefully read the text of the email. This can often contain translation errors or even incorrect sentences.

Not only, if there is a link or some button to click on, don’t do it even if the email appears to be truthful. It is important to remember that INPS will never ask you for your bank details, just like any other Italian public administration body or bank.

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