For decades, E3 has remained one of the biggest gaming events, complete with hot previews and interesting announcements. However, this year’s E3 will only be online due to health issues related to COVID-19.

On the one hand, this news is not very surprising. After all, E3 2021 was only online for the same reason. On the other hand, last year the Entertainment Software Association was optimistic about returning to an in-person event in 2022. Unfortunately, that won’t happen this year.

In an online statement, ESA kept things very concise. “Due to the continuing health risks surrounding COVID-19 and its potential impact on the safety of exhibitors and attendees, E3 will not be held in person in 2022. We are incredibly excited about the future of E3 and don’t look forward to it. time to announce more details soon. “

The announcement is likely to raise some eyebrows as CES was an in-person event this year and (as of this writing) GDC is scheduled to be in-person. However, it appears ESA is nervous about Omicron and other potential COVID variants. And because they don’t know what the COVID landscape will be like in the summer, when E3 usually takes place, they decided to play it safe with this event which traditionally brings together around 50,000 industry professionals and 15,000 hardcore gaming fans under one roof.

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Philip Owell

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