Some of the millions of Gmail accounts will soon be deleted. Pay attention to yours: here are the selection criteria, all the details.

In recent weeks, the Mountain View glue has been launching several new features for its users, some of which concern Gmail. Apparently, the American company is ready to eliminate some profiles in the e-mail service. Behind this sudden decision there is a clear and simple motivation, revealed by Google itself.

Gmail accounts deleted
Gmail accounts deleted –

Gmail is, without a doubt, one of the most used mail services in the worldprobably the most used of all, and is part of the bunch Google. The American giant has decided to start launching one series of updates in the latter period, with the aim of improving the experience of all users on the tech company’s platform. Mountain View, in fact, has also introduced, for example, artificial intelligence, focusing on AI and GPT Chat like many other companies.

Now, however, users who use Google’s mailbox could see theirs Gmail accounts deleted. This is the latest news decided by the upper levels of society, which could cause various changes within the system. A choice that, in some way, takes up that of Microsoft, which a few years ago decided to delete inactive accounts.

Inactive Gmail accounts: Google has decided to delete them, the details

The Mountain View company has decided to subscribe to very precise requirements regarding the Gmail account. Among the many voices, they also find the duration of inactivity of profiles which, if a certain period is exceeded, will be deleted and can no longer be used by the owner.

In practice, Google has decided to delete all accounts that have not been used for two years. Precisely for this reason some users must pay attention, given that if the mailbox has not been moved in the last 24 months, it could be deleted by the tech giant. In fact, it is possible that a person has two emails or uses only certified emails, which is why the Gmail account is rarely used. And they are the ones most at risk.

But how is one inactive? Google, means the period of inactivity not only with the simple loginbut is also checked through the use of Google Drive and YouTubeas well as the simple le-mail reading. This novelty will enter into force by December 2023this means that all users will have the time and means to reactivate their account.

Mountain View’s first step is to delete created and never used accounts. It is also a way to dispose of too many accounts within the service and discard the superfluous. A decision that comes shortly after that of Passkey system, where users will have to say goodbye to their passwords. This is also another novelty from Google.

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