Elden Ring is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated games in history, and players longed to see the actual gameplay. Today, Bandai Namco revealed around 19 minutes of footage giving us the best look at this exciting title.

What did we learn from the video? First of all, let’s take a closer look at the open world design and interesting elements like the dynamic weather system. We also take a closer look at some of the enemies you will fight in the game, including trolls, dragons, and other scary villains.

Gameplay footage also appears to introduce some surprising combat elements, including random encounters with enemies and an apparent lack of fall damage. Most exciting is that the video shows different approaches to combat, allowing you to sneak around, scream at dragons with a sword, use powerful magic, and even summon other players to help you.

Speaking of different approaches, the video also shows a Legacy Dungeon known as Stormveil Castle. Rather than being a completely linear experience, this dungeon offers players multiple paths to victory.

There are also quieter details in the footage. We see “sites of grace” where players can rest and restore their health. We also see brief examples of crafting and what appears to be the thrilling experience of touring the open world while riding a spiritual horse.

If you’ve been waiting for more details on the game’s story (which comes in part from George RR Martin’s mind), this video doesn’t give a lot of details. But it shows us an absolutely beautiful game with stunning designs, thrilling enemies and killer combat.

A closed net test for Elden Ring will take place from 12 to 14 November. The game will launch on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S on February 25, 2022. Will you try it? Let us know in the comments below!

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