Sony has revealed that it will be hosting a brand new live stream on the progress this week, which will provide fans with a more in-depth look at the upcoming game Horizon Forbidden West.

The event will take place on Thursday May 27 according to PlayStation Blog. It will start at 2pm PT / 5pm ET / 10pm BST and will be available to stream directly from Twitch and YouTube.

A special countdown timer will be available early Thursday, five hours before the event starts.

The blog post confirms that the stream will show “approximately 14 minutes of brand new in-game action with our heroic protagonist Aloy” and that the footage was “captured directly on PlayStation 5”.

The sequel to the hit 2014 game was originally announced in June 2020 and is expected to be released later in 2021. It will see Aloy travel to a new land called Forbidden West, set in post-apocalyptic California, Nevada and Utah. It will feature new cars and a wide range of iconic landmarks, including the San Francisco Ferry Building, the Palace of Fine Arts and the Golden Gate Bridge.

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