In the community forum, Samsung announced that on June 2, the company will launch the One UI Watch beta program for Galaxy Watch4 owners. This is perhaps the first time we’ve seen a beta program for a smart wearable. Unfortunately, the offer is only valid for South Korean owners.

After June 2, eligible owners can apply for the beta version using the Samsung Members app. After the launch begins, the Korean tech giant will release not only the beta of the upcoming One UI Watch, but also a beta for the accompanying wearable app for your phone.

Samsung announces the beta version of One UI Watch for Galaxy Watch4

There is a problem though. Once you have entered the program and installed the beta software, you will not be able to roll back. You’re stuck with the beta until Samsung releases the stable iteration of the operating system. Additionally, you can no longer apply again if you have joined and then left the beta program. After all, the slots are limited and you have to be quick to get into the future update.

Judging by Samsung’s previous beta programs, this will likely expand outside of South Korea.

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