The European Union Court confirmed that Google was abusing its dominant position as an Android provider and fined it 4.1 billion euros. The decision is the latest development of the case in 2018, when the European Competition Commission fined the California-based company for merging the Android operating system with Google’s services.

Google loses the appeal against the EU, sentenced to pay a fine of 4.1 billion euros

The court upheld the charge that originally held that Google was having phone makers pre-install the Chrome browser and search app as part of a revenue sharing scheme. The ruling upheld the vast majority of the original allegations, but disagrees that revenue sharing is also part of the original abuse, so the fine was reduced from its original value of € 4.3 billion.

This is the second highest court in the European Union, which means that Google can again appeal to the highest court in the block: the Luxembourg Court of Justice. A company statement reads that Android “has created more choices for everyone, no less, and supports thousands of successful businesses in Europe and around the world.”

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