Looking for new games at the lowest possible price? This week, both Nioh: The Complete Edition and Sheltered can be downloaded for free on the Epic Games Store.

This deal started today and players have until September 16 to grab the titles for free. Each game offers a truly unique experience for players to enjoy.

In Nioh, take control of a samurai tasked with fighting rival warriors and the demonic Yokai. In the full edition of the game, you also get the Dragon of the North expansion (which allows you to explore the Tohuku area), an exclusive Fujin helmet, and two bonus campaigns: Defiant Honor and Bloodshed’s End.

The Epic Games version of this title offers some great features. This includes cross-play compatibility with Steam, 4K Ultra-HD support, and even gamepad compatibility for gamers who want to put the action straight into their hands.

By contrast, Sheltered is a resource management game with a twist: it’s set in an apocalyptic landscape ravaged by nuclear war. Your main task is to guide your family through the wasteland, getting all the supplies they need to finally thrive in an underground shelter.

Sheltered also includes light RPG elements such as stats that change based on their experiences and player decisions. However, the real fun comes from customizing your gaming family, which allows you to effectively put your friends and family into a world that makes Fallout look downright tame.

Aren’t these two free games your cup of tea? Don’t worry – next week you can get Speed ​​Brawl and Tharsis for free on the Epic Games Store!

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Philip Owell

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