BioWare gave fans a good idea of ​​the visual updates coming to Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.

The studio has released an official Mass Effect comparison trailer showing the differences between the remaster and the original game trilogy.

The side-by-side comparison shows some of the improvements made to textures, lighting, visual effects, and character models.

As you might expect, the most notable difference is revealed in the first Mass Effect game, which received a significant update. The two sequels saw less dramatic improvements in terms of graphics, but still look better than ever.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition also includes a variety of gameplay changes. These include a new lattice for the original 2007 title and an improved character creator.

The remaster will launch on May 14 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. It will receive targeted enhancements and will be compatible with later versions on PS5 and Xbox Series X | S.

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