There is a new update for season 7 in Cookie Run: Break of the oven Like this Devsister is having a crossover event with Cookie Run: Kingdom and Cookie Run: Ovenbreak to celebrate. This event is easy to do and should take an hour or more to finish. Rewards you with limited edition crystals and decorations for your cookie kingdom. Here is a guide to help you complete it.

Mission 1

The first step is to make sure your Cookie Run: Kingdom account is linked to Devplay account. Once you are sure it is, go to download Cookie Run: Ovenbreak on your device.

Log into your Dev game account
Image via Devsisters

After installing the game, make sure your game is linked to the Devplay account you use for Cookie Run: Kingdom. This is the most important step! To check if both games are linked to your Devplay account, you can go to Cookie Run: Ovenbreak and search for the My information on Devplay tab in settings. It should look like this:

Devplay account
Image via Devsisters

If both games appear under your email then it works fine. Syncing your account with both games already gives you rewards and is the simplest mission of the three.

Mission 2

The second mission requires use 5 cookies and pets in the main episode. Cookies are easy to obtain Cookie Run: Break of the oven since you can get starter cookies as a beginner. You also get a lot of rewards from completing stages and in-game missions so you can get by Gacha cookie frequently. Pets are also obtainable from the Pet Gacha.

Cookie Run OvenBreak season 7 mission event update 2
Image via Devsisters

The Main Breakout episode can be unlocked after progressing through the story and the main one is always the top episode.

Mission 3

Finally, you need to rank up Gold 5 or higher in Main breakout episode. This degree can be achieved quickly, especially since 5 cookies are used in one run.

Cookie Run OvenBreak season 7 mission event 3 update
Image via Devsisters

This allows their individual points to add to your total score. If you don’t get to Gold 5 on your first try, don’t worry! Multiple copies of a cookie or pet make them stronger, so try to level them up when you can.

Cookie Run Kingdom mailbox
Image via Devsisters

Finally, after completing all the missions, you should be able to claim the rewards in your inbox. Each reward gives you exclusive limited edition crystals and decorations, so be sure to claim them before the event ends. In total, you can get 5,500 gems by completing quests, as well as 4 decorative pieces.

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