The Dead Space remake offers players old and new a new chance to experience the horrific adventures of Isaac Clarke. But the developers have promised to make a major change to this beloved character.

For the most part, the remake appears to recreate the tone and storyline of the original game while offering some improvements to both graphics and gameplay. This includes providing players with Dead Space 2’s Zero Gravity gun and restoring content that was cut from the original version of the game. But the change in Isaac marks the biggest deviation the remake makes from the original title.

What’s the change? Isaac will now have a voice in the remake. Originally, the protagonist was mute in the first game and had a voice in Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3. In the remake, Isaac’s voice will be provided by Gunner Wright, the voice actor who brought Isaac to life for both the Dead franchise. Space. and even the PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale game.

Worried that adding a voice could ruin the paranoid vibe of the game? Not be. In the live stream below, the remake developers have outlined two main rules governing Isaac’s spoken dialogue in the game:

The rules are simple: Isaac will speak when spoken to and will also speak in situations where it would be really awkward to remain silent. In other words, he’ll be quiet as you investigate creepy corridors and generally immerse yourself in the sheer terror of this atmospheric horror title.

When can we expect to play this game? While some rumors are claiming we may see this title as early as 2022, there has been no official release date announcement. The title will finally be released for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X | S. Until it does, fans of the franchise will have to fill up with live streaming news and events from the developers.

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