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Are you curious to read a message that has been deleted in the chat on WhatsApp? Now you can do it thanks to a trick that allows you to retrieve the text that the person with whom you were conversing had written.

Among the latest and interesting updates that the instant messaging giant has made available to its users is the option to delete messages for everyone. This news was a sigh of relief for many. Especially if you sent the message in the wrong chat. But if you’re curious, and want to know what that message said, there’s a secret you need to know.

Read deleted messages on whatsapp
photo source: Canva

Whatsapp is the largest messaging app that exists in the world. Although sometimes it gets lost due to some system crashes. We can say that it is the most used tool by people to talk to each other. In many years we have seen several updates, such as the one where it is now possible to delete messages for everyone. In practice, they are messages that disappear from the sender’s and recipient’s cell phones.

When this happens, the chat reads: “This message has been deleted”. In all of this, the notification also disappears. But if curiosity eats you alive and you want to know what the message said, there is a trick you can’t help but know. You can read those messages thanks to some applications which can be downloaded from the store. Let’s see in detail.

WhatsApp, reading deleted messages: apps to download

Almost all people in the world have WhatsApp downloaded to their phone, even if it is one of them apps that consume more internet data. It is an easy and intuitive application to use and allows you to connect hundreds of people around the world. Among the latest updates, as we have seen, there is the possibility to delete written messages. When someone deletes a message for everyone, the notification also disappears. But you can still recover its text.

Without a doubt, the best way to recover deleted messages is with a specialized application. Among the best on the square there are WhatsRemoved And NotificationHistor, downloadable from your store for free. it is one of the best. It is possible to recover deleted messages not only from WhatsApp, but also from other applications such as Messenger, Instagram or Telegram.

Therefore, after installing one of these apps, you have to choose which applications you want to monitor. And then you need to check the WhatsApp box. This way you can read the message that has been deleted. Meanwhile, Meta reported that she is working with the whole team to eradicate all these parallel apps. In all of this, after Telegram updatethis officially became the competitor of WhatsApp.

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Philip Owell

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