Samsung thinks there are a lot of people out there who are “sitting on the fence between Apple and Samsung.” So he made a new ad trying to entice them to come over to his side. An ad that features a guy literally sitting on a literal fence, because that’s literally the most literal joke anyone could ever come up with.

So, to people who are undecided, literal or not, Samsung says, “Galaxy awaits you.” It’s time to step outside the fence, and once you buy Samsung’s Galaxy Z Flip4, you’ll apparently get a lot of attention from Apple device owners who are interested in your new gadget.

Someone should probably tell Samsung that no “normal” user has ever, ever said the words “Galaxy Z Flip4” in that order, to anyone, ever. And especially not their friends. That’s not how people talk. But the fact that it’s so obvious makes the whole naming scheme even more fun than usual. Anyway, the point is that some Samsung devices, like the Flip4, do bend. And no Apple phone ever has.

If you’re now intrigued by the Galaxy Z Flip4, make sure you don’t miss our in-depth review of the smaller of the Korean company’s two new foldables. Want to get bigger? We also reviewed the Galaxy Z Fold4.

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Philip Owell

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