
Visually, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a real treat. Each character model is packed with detail so that they appear as authentic lifelike beings. BD-1 is particularly great. The cute droid is beautifully animated, but so are every character. The performances are also excellent, so much so that it is easy to get carried away by the journey of each one. In the meantime, exploring the magnificent environments is something you won’t get tired of. Each planet has its own distinctive appearance and is filled with beautiful landscapes.

As you’d expect from an AAA game like this, the sound design is superb. All the iconic explosions, boos and hums of the franchise are present. Although the orchestral score borrows from John William’s work, most of the time it stands on its own. It adds just the right amount of tension and emotion to each scene. You also take care of what the people around you are doing thanks to emotional acting and expressive facial expressions.

Ultimately, Fallen Order looks and sounds like Star Wars. The game truly immerses you in the universe. There aren’t too many performance complaints either. The frame rate can occasionally stutter, but there are no other obvious glitches with performance. However, be prepared to see some slowdown during the most challenging moments of the action.

Final verdict

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order should give players hope that the franchise still has life. It will also be a relief for EA and Disney. The game shows that the publisher is able to make good use of the coveted license. Despite the fact that it borrows concepts from a variety of popular titles, Fallen Order successfully combines them. Longtime fans will even find a collection of Easter eggs and hidden references. The end result is an addicting and fun game that has everything you want from a Star Wars title.

Related: 6 Things EA Achieved With Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

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Tag: Action

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Philip Owell

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