Farm Fable is a new mobile farming game from SKYUNION HONK KONG. Read on for Farm Fable game tips and tricks, guide, cheats and strategy

Farm fairy tale gameSkyunion Hong Kong, the publisher of mobile games, recently released a 3D farm game called Farm Fable on the mobile app stores. It is packed with a standard farming system where you will grow and harvest crops and craft a variety of products; that you will use them to complete orders. Also, you can trade, pet animals, fish and there are many fun activities that keep you busy all the time. If you are just starting to play Farm Fable then this post is for you. Here, we have shared a Farm Fable guide for beginners with a bunch of Farm Fable tips, tricks, cheats and strategies. So, let’s waste no more time and read the main walkthrough:

Farm Fable Game Guide, Tips, Cheats & Strategy: –

First things first: The only goal of the player in this game is to expand the farm and build all kinds of structures that help you to make all kinds of farm products and manage animals. At the start of the game, you will have access to a small part of land (cultivated land) and a limited number of structures. By increasing the level of the main player, you will unlock more farmlands, factories and items. So, after summarizing all things, you would definitely have an idea what you need to focus on; level up, unlock new stuff, pet, build structure, join guild, socialize with other players, start trading, etc.

Guide and tips to level up

Farm fairy tale gameThe easiest and best way to level up in Farm Fable game is by completing people’s orders and keep farming. Best of all, orders give you more EXP than any other mission or task. On the left side of the screen, switch to the order tab of the mission widget -> tap the order to check the requirements -> complete/fulfill the requirements and complete the order.

Farm fairy tale gameAlso, do daily/main tasks to earn more XP.

In the upper left corner, the round shaped level bar shows the level progress. If you tap it, a pop-up menu with character information will open where you can check how much EXP you will need to reach the next level.

Leveling up is important as it gives you more farmland so you can grow more crops.

Don’t spend gems recklessly

Gem, the premium and most valuable currency in Farm Fable game is used to complete tasks instantly; for example: grow crops instantly, produce product items instantly, etc. Gems are harder to obtain than any other currency in the game, so you’ll want to use them wisely. For example, spending gems on VIP points and increasing the VIP level. The VIP level benefit will always help you. On the other hand, if you spend gems just to speed things up, that would just be a waste.

The VIP level in Farm Fable

In the tip above, we recommended spending gems on VIP. The VIP level is different from the normal level in that it provides exclusive benefits for the permanent. For example, VIP level 1 increases order revenue, reduces delivery time for home orders, and increases variety. In the upper left corner, tap the “VIP” button in the upper left corner -> tap the + button -> spend gems to increase VIP level. In addition to gems, VIP points can also be obtained as a daily login reward. Consecutive logins will increase the number of points you get as a free reward.

Do the dailies and main tasks

Grassland, Speed-Up Tickets, Gems, Icefield, Desert are some in-game currencies and items that you can earn for free by doing dailies. The dailies are easy to complete. In the upper left, under the level bar, tap the “daily activity” icon -> there you can check the activities you can complete daily and earn rewards.

Water the crops and they will grow fast

From the well on the farmland, you can collect water for free every day. Use water to grow crops fast; water them after planting them on the farmland.

Learn to trade in Farm Fable

Farm fairy tale gameAt the bottom right, tap the location button -> this will take you to the map where you can find the farm, trading posts, resting place, etc. Of other players. Once you are on the main screen, tap the research button in the lower left corner -> choose the level of the trading post -> at the trading post, players can spend currencies such as meadows, ice fields, etc. for texture scraps, tree seeds, and more. You can earn them by doing dailies, completing orders, and main story tasks. You will need horses to trade; buy from shop.

Join a guild in Farm Fable

Once you reach player level 10 in Farm Fable, you will be able to join a guild. Once you join, perform guild tasks and complete them to earn contribution points and special rewards. Also, guild members exchange items.

So that would be all in this Farm Fable guide and tips for beginners. If you have any other tips or tricks to share, please comment below.

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