WhatsApp has so many tricks that can allow for another type of experience. In this case we will see how to read the chat without opening the application.

Whatsapp is the most used messaging application ever. Over time it has reached more and more customers also thanks to the user experience. This, in fact, as a result of updates and tricks can be more and more different. In fact, when we talk about WhatsApp we are talking about an application that practically everyone has.

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There are so many tricks that allow for a totally new experience. As we all know, the application is made up of many roads. Completely new functions that are not always known. Certainly, WhatsApp has become an industry leader thanks to some tricks which speed up operations even more.

Every day life has more and more intense rhythms. Which leads us to speed up many everyday situations. Among these there can also be reading a WhatsApp chat. Maybe the recipient is unable to enter the application but still wants to see the message that has arrived. In this regard, there is a trick that allows you to read the chat without opening theapplication. An important trick but one that makes you understand how the application always hides surprises. Such as, these 2 WhatsApp tricks that, once known, it is no longer possible to do without them.

WhatsApp, how to read a message without opening the chat: the solution is simple

Shortcuts when it comes to WhatsApp are always on the agenda. Many, in this regard, ask how it is possible to facilitate the management of messages. This does not concern only written texts but also vocal, images and other contents. Each of us has a contact with whom he often speaks. Which is why, you want to have some kind of highway without going through the chat.

First, we need to open WhatsApp. Once the application is open we must enter the reference chat, click on the three dots at the top right and click on “Add link“. After clicking, it will create a link on the home of your device with the chat icon. Remember that this trick is valid for both Android and iOS, however, it does not apply to the web and desktop version of WhatsApp.

The trick revealed is really a lot simple And intuitive. This allows not only a communicative speed but also not necessarily to enter the application. Small tricks that many are looking for but which, as mentioned, not many know. Also this function can be of decisive help for many users. Like the one concerning theinsertion of music in a WhatsApp status.

In short, there are many tricks to use WhatsApp in a different way. Solutions that allow the user to change their experience. In short, this too makes us understand how this application has achieved such widespread success. Just think that, at present, we are talking about two billion users worldwide.

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Philip Owell

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