E3 will be a virtual event this year, which will allow fans around the world to watch from their living room. And now we know that the Ubisoft Forward digital event will be part of it.

Ubisoft made the announcement and confirmed the time it will take place. Ubisoft fans can tune in to this event starting at 12pm PT / 3pm ET / 8pm UK on Saturday June 12th.

What can fans expect from Ubisoft? So far, the company has kept the details to a minimum. But it’s a safe bet we’ll hear about expansions for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, as well as updates on Far Cry 6 and Rainbow Six Parasite / Quarantine.

Other games we hope to hear about include Skull & Bones and Beyond Good and Evil 2. But we won’t know for sure until the June 12 event. Those interested in more digital coverage should stick around for the remainder of E3, which runs June 12-15.

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