IO Interactive detailed the content included in the upcoming Season of Pride, revealing what’s included in the new DLC.

A video posted to YouTube by the developer provides some details on what fans can expect from the new season.

Released as part of the Seven Deadly Sins DLC for Hitman 3, Season of Pride begins today and will provide players with an elusive new objective to take down starting May 12.

“We’re starting this a little earlier than usual, but we’re also giving you more time to play it,” said IO Interactive. “For 12 days, you will have a chance to infiltrate Mendoza and eliminate The Iconoclast. After updating the game, you will see the countdown clock for their exact arrival time already active in the game. We will check two and three times that they too start as planned “.

Featured Contracts, created by high-profile community members, will also return, along with extra weapons and equipment. These include cosmetic items such as the Proud Swashbuckler, the Majestic, and the Narcissus Suit.

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